Friday, June 04, 2004

The deskrat chronicles

...Accidently hit a link to while trying to do some midnight googling . Saw the page for "start your own blog" , or whatever it was that catches the attention was kinda late ...thoughts were kinda wandering... restless ... also was hungry ...But then it hit me... as these most wonderous eppiphanies most often do...That now familiar little voice , eminating from slightly above and to the right of my left earlobe .

the voice with that always slightest hint of necessary authority , quietly urging , "dude...dis is wunna doze 'meant to bees' ."

"nah, maybe later , suggested its eternal nemesis , that latent procrastinator .

"dare i dream ? " thought the ever-reluctant, noncommittal part ...So of course, i dared...Had to...

"What the heck , it's free... what's there to lose?" i asked.

so this is it.

What i'll do with this page , i guess i don't really know ,yet .

But thanks...

Given enough time, i'll think of something ...i usually do .

it's how i am .

"it's like 'destiny' , man" ... all so...'destined-like' , yah kno?"

and all so very underwhelming...


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