Sunday, July 18, 2004

president uncle junior bush ?

A long time ago , there was an episode on the tv show the "Sopranos"  where tony and the boys decide to name tony's elderly uncle junior as "mob boss" in order to not only placate uncle junior , but to take heat off of themselves .  The scam was that Tony , the real boss , could quietly run things from behind the scenes , remaining  more out of  the  spotlight of the 'public' eye thus avoiding the scrutiny that the  man  formally recognized as "boss "would normally have to endure ...The idea was that uncle junior would think that he , to borrow an expression from the jamaicans  , "run tings" , while in actuality he was meant to be  little more than a decoy...a figurehead to divert attention away from the guys behind the curtains who were really pulling the strings...After reading  the second installment  of the "bush on 9-11" article below , is the  title "president uncle junior bush " , that far from reality ?


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