Saturday, October 09, 2004

dare i say, " I TOLD YOU SO " ? ...of course i shall...

So bush after a detailed examination of iraq by american led weapons inspectors , FINALLY had to admit in public that there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq...

ok , i waited patiently and since there have been no thunderous chorus of americans demanding bush's ,cheney's , rumsy's , condie's and colin's resignation ,or any calls for bush and cheney's impeachment ...let me be the first .


either they are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS or they are plain and simple, just as DUMB AS DIRT .

in either case , none of them should to be allowed to run their own bath water --let alone run somebody's country em out of office and into a jail cell .

they are incompetant or liars or just incompetant liars-- responsible for the deaths of ten to twenty thousand iraqi civilians in this war that couldn't wait for UN weapons inspectors to finish the job the world sent them to do...

thirty million people across the globe angrily protested against this war ...and were ignored by the Bush administration and ignored by many of their own governments as well...

for about 3 or 4 months in 2002 , this blogger wrote a political column titled "Unconventional Wisdom" for a small independant magazine for the new york city alternative lifestyle community. The magazine was called "She's Out All Night" and dealt with lesbian nightlife .

it was the brainchild of two good, very talented people , one of whom i had met years ago, but only through the internet . i was asked by them to contribute political commentary which i gladly did .

the magazine in my opinion was well put together and not pornographic or blatantly sexual compared to what can be seen these days on cable tv and the internet . my late mother proudly even put a few copies on her coffee table so that friends and relatives could see her baby boy's articles in print...

i reasoned that if the late col. l. fletcher prouty could use men's sexually oriented magazines to get his anti-cia writings on the jfk assassination and vietnam published , then maybe there wasn't much wrong with me getting my ideas before a public's eyes through writing a political column in a lesbian nightlife magazine .

anyway , while trying to shovel my way through a full stable's worth of pre-war media-manure , attempting to figure out why the Bush administration had such a permanent hard-on for invading iraq... i wrote this in august 2002 for that year's september edition of "She's Out All Night" ...

"It's The Oil Stupid"

I had pondered long into the night , devouring page after page , hour after hour of recent news stories and interviews dealing with the 'impending war with Iraq'.

...Couldn't figure out why so many in this present administration and Congress were so fevered to oust Saddam Hussein ,a murderous dictator basically created by the West itself .

The '91 Gulf war left him beaten but still in power . A victorious Papa Bush publicly called for an uprising against Saddam , in the north by the ethnic Kurds , and in the south by the Shi'a muslims .Bush failed to aid the rebels and they were crushed by the tanks and helicopters of a vengeful Republican Guard .

The West complained bitterly about Saddam's use of chemical weapons during the '80 to '88 Iraq -Iran War , weapons the West itself had sold .

While condemning Saddam , they sold more weapons of mass destruction . His anthrax program was bought from , then set up by , the US .

It is argued that the US ambassador gave a tacit approval of Saddam's impending invasion of Kuwait , indicating to Iraqis their territorial dispute with Kuwait was not a US concern .

The UN cease-fire ending the Gulf War required weapons inspectors to oversee destruction of all Iraqi chemical , biological and nuclear weapons programs and destruction of all long range missiles .

In 1991 , a special UN panel reported to the Security Council that inspection and monitoring remained necessary , but ' the bulk of Iraq's proscribed weapons programs has been eliminated.'

US Marine veteran Scott Ritter , a former UN weapons inspector , spent seven years on search and destroy missions , meticulously sniffing out Saddam's weapons and dodging Iraqi lies and subterfuge about the programs .

He is convinced UNSCOM teams ferreted out and destroyed 95% of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction . The other 5% he believes were destroyed by the Allied bombings during the war . He presently tours the nation speaking out vehemently against this new war mania .

The Baby Bush administration , since 9-11-01 , fecklessly attempted to tie Iraq to both world trade Center bombings and counter Ritter's assertions . The administration towed out prominent Iraqi defectors who claimed Saddam trained terrorists to hijack airliners , that perhaps it had been Saddam's anthrax in the US mail and weapons programs were more extensive than UNSCOM inspectors realized .

But many of these defectors are tied to US funded , anti-Saddam opposition movements and desperately want a US invasion .

Defense Secretary Rumsfeld stupidly remarked , 'The absence of evidence is no evidence of absence', infuriating the NATO ministers to whom he was trying to sell the war . After inviting Ritter to speak , they issued stern letters of complaint to Washington .

Former CIA Director James Woolsey said in interviews for PBS:Frontline that in this 'business', it's not what the evidence proves , it's what the evidence indicates .

He also said that when Saddam invaded Kuwait , he blew it by not taking Saudi Arabia too . I found that a very interesting remark that may have 'indicated' a very revealing pattern of thought .

On 8-6-02 , the Defense Policy Board , headed by the leading Iraq war hawk , Richard Perle , received intelligence briefings stating funds from Saudi charities found their way to Hamas , that 'Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies' and describing Saudi Arabia as the 'kernel of evil , the prime mover , the most dangerous opponent in the region.'

The briefings recommended the US give Saudi Arabia an 'ultimatum to stop supporting terrorism or face the seizure of its oil fields', officials told NBC News.

then it hit me.

Baby Bush's , Cheney's and Condoleeza's direct connections to big oil ; the push to open up the pristine Arctic wildlife refuge to oil drilling ; the war in Afghanistan to secure oil pipelines and huge Central Asian reserves ; the appointment of oil company consultant Hamid Karzai to the interim Afghan presidency ; the failed recent US-backed coup in oil-rich Venezuela ; the coup attempts on Saddam and the spying on his security services and presidential residences by US/UN weapons inspectors ; Saddam's paranoia that information gathered would be used in more coup/assassination attempts; his subsequent ousting of all the weapons inspectors , giving the US the justification it needed to invade Iraq , whose oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia in the region ; and finally the 'leaked' report, an almost naked US ultimatum to Saudi Arabia concerning the US seizing Saudi oil fields .

'Evidence indicates' that it's not ending 'terrorism' or getting rid of 'weapons of mass destruction' ,those pushing us into war are after .


And the evidence indicates they are lining up the world's supply like ducks , preparing to send in the smart bombs and the Marines , while thousands of civilians die in the petro-carnage like sitting ducks , all because of oil and greed .

***as an addendum to this let me say that Saddam's son in law Hussein Kamal i believe his name was , defected from iraq in the mid to late 90s .

while being debriefed by US intelligence , he admitted that he as Saddam's son in law was in charge of all the weapons programs...he stated for the record that as far as he knew ,by the time of his defection , all of the wmd had been destroyed and that he had personally overseen their destruction .

unfortunately for Kamal, Saddam later baited him into returning to iraq , saying that all had been forgiven...i believe he was then quickly executed upon his return by Uday and Qussay Hussein on Saddam's orders .


Blogger sondjata said...

Word!! Impeech Deez fools. And if there is a change of Admin..try 'em for treason.

5:26 PM  

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