Thursday, February 10, 2005

Sino-American showdown ? neo-"Condie" in Europe

February 09, 2005

All smiles again . . . until it comes to arms sales to China

By Anthony Browne

The Brussels plan to lift embargo will top the agenda at Condoleezza Rice’s talks today
THEY will all be on their best behaviour, but the public smiles and handshakes when Condoleezza Rice visits Brussels and Luxembourg today will not disguise the tension over a growing dispute between the United States and the European Union.

The split is not over Iraq, but the EU’s impending decision to lift its embargo on the sale of arms to China.

The decision, which EU countries have agreed in principle — they are hammering out the practicalities – is seen as a historic shift in global allegiances, with the EU choosing for the first time to give preference to the strategic interests of the looming superpower China over the interests of its oldest ally, the US. The issue will be top of the agenda today when Dr Rice meets José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and Jean-Claude Junker, who as Luxembourg’s Prime Minister is the current President of the European Council.

* note from this blogger -- why is this such an important issue to the neo-cons ? is it perhaps because the neo-cons are looking for a showdown with China BEFORE China can update its military with modern technology from EU nations ?

During her tour of Europe, Dr Rice has already discussed the issue with Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, as well as Gerhard Schröder, the German Chancellor.

The EU insists that the arms embargo, imposed in 1989 after the Tiananmen Square massacre, is no longer justified. The US has given warning that lifting it could threaten its own forces in the Far East.

Communist China has never accepted the independence of capitalist Taiwan, and the US is also committed to the defence of Japan and South Korea, with bases in both countries. Unlike the US, no European country can foresee itself getting involved in a conflict in East Asia. *note --but perhaps the Us can forsee one and i believe that such a conflict maybe on the neo-con drawing board for sometime within the next 15 to 20 years

One US official said recently: “We are talking about the Europeans making it easier for the Chinese to kill Americans.”
* -- and this statement from a Us official is about a nation that has 'most favored ' trade status with the Us, and the statement fits in perfectly with condie's 2000 position paper adopted by bush as HIS administration's pacific rim foreign policy naming China as 'competitor' with the Us for dominance in the region

China is using its new-found wealth to upgrade its army, but although it has ready suppliers of military equipment such as tanks and guns, it cannot obtain high-tech military equipment that only Europe and the US have the knowhow to make.

* ...sound anything similar to saddam hussein and iraq before the first gulf war ? ...arm your potential opponent with good , but strictly grade-B weaponry -- find , provoke or create an excuse to make him out to be some kind of a looming global threat --then go to war , bring out the grade-A ,high-tech weaponry that you made sure the opponent couldn't get hold of , quickly wipe up the mat with the hopelessly outclassed opponent---proclaim a great victory of 'democracy over tyranny' ---open up the 'liberated' nation as a source of cheap labor , cheap resources , and of course ,'free markets'...make even more money looting the 'liberated' nation than you did selling arms to the 'dictator' and looting the public treasury of your own nation , snatching up lucrative defense contracts to arm the 'liberators' in the war you started against the "tyrant enemy" that you armed in the first place

The EU is proposing to replace its arms embargo, which is voluntary and rather porous — it sold €210 million of military equipment to China in 2002 — with a legally binding code of conduct, which it insists will afford greater protection. The code of conduct is aimed at restricting arms sales to potential enemies of allies of the EU.

Some in the US see the lifting of the arms embargo as France’s revenge over the Iraq war. Since the 2003 invasion, President Chirac has talked openly of the need to create a multipolar world to counterbalance the might of the US.

Since France, which has been pushing hardest to lift the embargo, is also one of Europe’s biggest arms producers, its strategic and commercial interests are both served by increasing arms sales to China.

* the first world war was over rivalry between europeans for global colonial empires . it marked the end of england and france as the world's super powers and signaled the eventual rise of america into the vacuum.

the second world war was due to unresolved issues from the first. it left america with undisputed global economic supremacy , but with the ussr unwittingly baited into a corner and painted as THE potential future military rival .

the third world war was the fabricated 50 year "cold war" to eliminate russia as a possible american 'rival' and maintain america on wartime footing to keep the military-industrial economy pumped with corporate welfare from the public treasury. after the economic collapse of the ussr, the imf bankers and western investors in league with russian oligarchs and mafia , looted about $300 billion out of russia to set it back to third world status.

the fourth world war is to control oil and energy reserves and also neutralize the potential power (oil, religious ideology, explosive youth demographics and birth rates) of the arab/muslim world under the guise of a global 'war on terrorism' .

i believe that the fifth world war will be to neutralize china as a potential economic and military superpower and to pre-empt a china/india military-economic alliance that could one day counterbalance american power and dominance in asia


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