Saturday, June 04, 2005

deskRat anniversary... year ago today we began this blog . it was on the spur of the moment and left us wondering if we could find something to write about...the very next day ronald reagan died . the flood of praise heaped upon ronnie left us scratching our head in amazement .

was this the same belligerent starwars advocate ron "raygun" who rattled sabers internationally , joked on the air about launching nukes against the soviets and labeled the american poor as "welfare queens" ?

was this the same guy who allowed savings and loans to be looted , gave huge taxbreaks to the wealthy on the one hand while on the other hand telling the nation that ketchup was a vegetable as he attempted to cut federal subsidies for school kids' lunches ?

"it couldn't be the same guy ? " i thought incredulously as republicans announced plans to replace franklin roosevelt on the Us dime with reagan along with their desire to add his granite mugshot to mount rushmore.

as the dignitaries of the world and butt-kissing media genuflected to the false memory of a guy margaret thatcher once described as having "nothing between his ears " we responded with our own "memories of ron" and "the deskrat chronicles" were off to a running start .

since that start it has been quite a year --the growing debacle in iraq and the threat of war against syria and iran ; the genocide in dar fur sudan ; the theft of the Us presidential elections of 2004 ; the suspicious death of yasser arafat ; the assassination of lebanon's rafik hariri ; the suspicious death of cia/contras/ cocaine connection "dark alliance" reporter gary webb ; the strange "suicide" of popular writer and 9-11 investagator hunter s. thompson ; the jeff gannon/johnny gosche/ jim guckert phoney reporter/gay hustler with whitehouse access and 200 recorded whitehouse visits--gannon's apparent foreknowledge of the invasion schedule for iraq and his reported possession of classified info involved in the outting valerie plame as cia ; the arrogant , insane never-ending lunacy of bush and the neo-cons ; the invasion of haiti and illegal removal and kidnapping of aristide ; the continued threats from the Us against venezuela and hugo chavez ; the Us desecration of the quran scandal ; the downing street "fixed evidence" memo and the september 2002 commencement of the air-war against iraq--the smoking gun and spent shell casing that should be grounds for the impeachment and imprisonment of bush/cheney/rumsy/condie /colin for lying in order to lead the nation to war --this all has been quite a year.

but i must say that for me the event that made the deepest and most lasting impression on me this year of june 4, 2004 to june 4 , 2005 has been the loss of my own dear mother who passed away suddenly on september 11, 2004 --the third anniversary of the world trade center attacks--an event in 2001 which the official explanation -- to me did not add up from the start-- i began writing about it on the internet--describing it as a fabric of lies almost immediately then ,and have continued to do so since-- just as in 2002 i wrote about what i saw as an impending petro-war illegally planned by bush oil-garchs against an already wmd-free Un compliant iraq.

my biggest and proudest reader always was Mom . a deeply religious christian she displayed on her coffee table copies of my politial writings that had been published in a small independent lesbian oriented ny magazine .

as a child , it was my beloved Mom who bought me books on malcolm x when she saw me mesmerized watching old films of his speeches shown on tv . It was my mother who helped me better express myself by correcting my elementary school book reports--helping her son earn A's , praise from his teachers and generating a love for the written word.

and it was also my mother who bankrolled my first karate lessons --Mom first nurtured my interests in politics , writing and martial arts--three of my main passions to this day --for this and all the kind things that you so unselfishly did , i love you Mom and always will --just because you always were for us , who you always are and always will be --i miss you terribly .

in the efforts of well-meaning people to console the unbearable grief i have felt since her passing , many have said that the almighty always has a reason --some meaning to be found in the tragedy of losing loved ones --tragedy that we all must some day face .

if there is a "meaning" in this personal tragedy for me , it is hinted at in the date itself "9-11" .

of course , i see it as a reminder to continue in my own way , as best as i can to search for and provide "eye-opening thoughts & information puncturing the spin-bubbles of a government and media that have failed us"...and continue ..."lampooning and exposing the public knuckleheads , liars & hypocrites where ever they are encountered"

--and with the strength of our ancestors within and around -- we go on--ashe --ashe --ashe--O ashe...


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