Saturday, June 18, 2005

more 'smoking gun' from ray mc govern

"I would go back to an earlier conversation, and this happened on the 20th of September, 2001, so nine days after 9/11. This involved Tony Blair, who was in Washington having dinner with the president. How do we know about this? We know this because Christopher Meyer, the UK ambassador, was there at the dinner, and he's written his memoirs.

And what does he say? The conversation went like this. President Bush: Tony we're going to Afghanistan in a week or two, but that won't take long and we get out of there and go right into Iraq, are you with me Tony? Are you with me? And Christopher Meyer says my goodness, it was really, that Tony was sort of nonplused but he said yes sir, I'm with you, Mr. President. "

*note from this blogger -- observe that the timeline bush mentions also hints at 9-11 foreknowledge .

9 +14 = 23

how could a major operation like the war in afghanistan be ready with thousands of troops and their equipment in position in 23 days ?

it took a six month build-up for the first gulf war . afghanistan is even farther and more remote...the Us response should clearly have taken longer than the 23 days bush projected to blair .


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