Saturday, November 19, 2005

bush publicly cuts own throat--yet still no calls for impeachment in d.c.

*so according to the milquetoast media ,the lying azz repugnantcans and their so-called president and vp are on the "counter-offensive" attacking "false rumors" that they lied to congress and the american people , that they "cherry picked" and fixed intelligence and harrassed intel analysts in order to "create" sufficient "evidence" to justify going to war in iraq---bush even said in a speech recently that the dumbocrats had the same intel that he had and THEY voted for war with iraq too--like a recreation of the old schoolyard juvenile ploy--"why are you blaming me for wanting to go to war in iraq when all the other kids wanted to go to war too ?"

but georgie you guys knew full well that your primary source who provided you with escaped iraqi "scientists" and on the ground intel saying that saddam was pursuing wmd was ahmed chalabi -- a convicted bank swindler sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in jordan for his role in sucking about $300 million out of the petra bank he ran for the jordanian government.

you knew the intel being provided wasn't worth spit yet through the milquetoast media , you fed it over and over to the people until they were pissing their pants over the nightmare threat of a saddam attack on america---as condie and the "dickhead" vp so eloquently repeated "we don't want the 'smoking gun' to be a mushroom cloud" --well... well... well... it seems that not only did YOU GUYS know that the niger documents were forgeries --so also did a lot of other people in the world , including mohammed el-baradei head of the international atomic energy agency --who sent you a letter through the state department and the national security council warning you that the niger documents were fakes.

with his zealous remarks during this week's "counter-offensive " bush just publicly cut his own throat--- if the dumbocrats don't nail bush and cheney hides to the wall --as in --"impeach deze lyin fools" -then the dumbocrats are totally worthless and enormously less than shite ...

oh by the way , i believe it may soon come out also that steven hadley, condie's aide and now successor as national security advisor , may have personally received the forged niger yellowcake documents from an italian "reporter\asset" he met with , who was fed the documents directly from the israeli mossad cell responsible for forging documents from african nations --seemed mossad has an extensive cell operating that specializes in forgeries of african government documents --as documents from african nations are believed to be easier to forge than those from other parts of the world --even so these numbskulls still screwed up by using the name of a government official of niger whose actual times in the official capacity did not match the dates on the forged documents--a simple google check tripped the documents up as forgeries . the bushites knew the 'evidence' they had was flimsy as hell yet still presented it as true and drove the country to war--if misleading the people into war isn't grounds for impeachment , then what is ?

Author: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Investigative Report
People's Weekly World Newspaper, 11/18/05 13:40


Specifically, Carl Levin, the senior Democrat who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is interested in permanently debunking the administration's assertion that it "mistakenly" included the 16-word reference in President Bush's January 2003 State of the Union address claiming that Iraq tried to purchase yellowcake uranium - the key component to building an atomic bomb - from Niger. Levin's aides said the administration knew months before that the veracity of the allegations was dubious because it was based on forged documents.


But aides to Sen. Levin rebutted that, saying they have smoking-gun proof that they were lied to by Bush and Cheney about not only the existence of weapons of mass destruction but also claims that Iraq had tried to obtain yellowcake uranium from Niger.

In building their case against the administration, Levin, with the help of Congressman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., has obtained the December 2002 letter sent to the White House and the National Security Council by Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, warning that the Niger claims were bogus and should not be cited by the administration as evidence that Iraq was actively trying to obtain WMDs.


ElBaradei said, when the Niger claims were included in the State Department fact sheet on the Iraqi threat in December 2002, "the IAEA asked the U.S. Government, through its Mission in Vienna, to provide any actionable information that would allow it to follow up with the countries involved, viz Niger and Iraq." ElBaradei said he was assured that his letter was forwarded to the White House and to the National Security Council. ElBaradei added that he and his staff were suspicious about the Niger documents because it had long been rumored that documents pertaining to Iraq's attempt to obtain uranium from Niger had been doctored.


In conversations and correspondence with Waxman, ElBaradei said he personally had tried to contact Stephen Hadley, then Deputy National Security Adviser, and aides to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, warning them not to rely on the Niger documents as evidence of the Iraqi threat, but was continuously rebuffed. He said the White House officials pledged to cooperate with United Nations inspectors but repeatedly withheld evidence from them.


Four months later, Hadley, as well as former CIA Director George Tenet, took responsibility for allowing the Niger uranium claims to be included in Bush's speech. Aides to Levin said that when the bipartisan investigation is complete there will be ample proof that the Bush administration, specifically, Hadley, Cheney, and other top officials, knowingly manipulated intelligence to fit their agenda in launching a war.


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