sarah who? sarah now? sarah ever? sarah in wonderland-- the smell of victory, smells

So america's all a flutter over sarah . the alaska governor who failed . in a state at the top of the list for providing funding for contraceptives sarah failed to successfully guide her own daughter past the dangers of teen pregnancy . now she is asking for a chance to help guide a nation of 300 million people.
yes, we know kids don't listen and they make mistakes , but every parent of every kid knows from day one that the teen pregnancy thing is one of the crucial life-limiting obstacles that every parent must help their child avoid as part of the successful transition from teen to adult . team palin failed to get the job done.
it's good that the republicans --long time self-appointed champions of "individual responsibility" --can find it in their hearts to embrace unwed teen mothers --well , at least , embrace the unwed teen mothers from white republican families .
i'm sure they'll eventually find that the best way to help these unwed teen mothers is to further cut taxes on the wealthy and increase the military budget. of course, in an ideal republican world, the job of helping unwed teen mothers would likely be outsourced to haliburton .
now , we must ask, if news came out that an obama daughter was 17 , pregnant and unwed , wouldn't his campaign for president be floating facedown and lifeless in the water?
republican attack dogs would be screaming from every headline and tv screen , " if he couldn't lead his own daughter past the pitfalls of teen pregnancy --something every parent is responsible for --then how can the nation have confidence that he can successfully lead us anywhere? "
if mcCain wins the election , at 72 he'd be 2 years older than reagan when "the raygun" took office. a vice president able to step up and lead the nation if events require , would be an even more crucial necessity if mcCain managed to win the oval office.
if sarah , as a parent--as a female-- couldn't successfully lead her own daughter past the dangers of early pregnancy --a responsibility shared by every parent-- is she the one , AT THIS TIME--especially as the mother of another very young child with very special needs , requiring significant amounts of parental care--is sarah palin the one to be potentially next in line --a heartbeat from the big chair?
and if , as mcCain said , he knew all this before choosing her as his Vp , then what does this decision to pick her --said to have been a snap judgement , made quickly like a fighter pilot, on gut instinct , say about mcCain's leadership abilities?
mc Cain --maybe right for a dogfight-- but wrong for the white house.
the oval office is a place where more deliberative thinking --like a chessplayer rather than a kneejerk -- is often needed.
republican Vp nominee sarah palin believes in creationism and believes it should be taught to children in schools. in other words, she believes the earth is 6000 years old and all the scientific data on evolution and global warming is false.
palin told high school students to support Us troops in iraq because they were carrying out "god's mission". she's definitely another right wing-nut, bible-fascist fundamentalist .
she let it be announced her daughter WILL marry the boy who got her pregnant. shotgun marriages don't work. at 17, her daughter is about as ready to be a wife as she is ready to be a mother and parent to an infant child. one mistake doesn't correct another. why force a scared , confused kid into marriage? who at 17, is mature enough and able to choose their primary companion , business partner and soulmate for the next 50 years?
palin does not believe in a woman's right to choose whether to continue, or end a pregnancy-- even in cases of rape or incest . she said in 2006 that if her own daughter was raped and became pregnant, she would not support an abortion.
in her state of alaska the number of rapes was twice the national rate and pregnancy from rape was 25 % higher than the national average.
whether you believe HUMAN life begins at conception, or only the POTENTIAL for human life begins at conception, no one has the right to force their belief in this matter on every woman--especially if you are a man.
each woman has the right to make her own decision without being coerced by religion , government , men , or other women --it's her body not theirs.
palin's state of alaska pays bounties for hunters who shoot animals from helicoptors --palin herself strongly supports and apparently participates in aerial wolf hunts. she says bears should be included as the objects in those hunts because they, like wolves, are natural checks on moose and caribou populations.
in her reasoning , less wolves and bears would mean more moose and caribou for big game hunters to bag in alaska and at the same time drop more traveling sportsmen's dollars into the state coffers.
as touted , palin "took on big oil" , she increased their taxes by about 6 billion in alaska and then gave out about $1000 each in energy rebates to alaskans to help offset rising oil costs--but that sounds like she adopted obama's plan to tax windfall oil profits and then rebate the public. why are the republicans hiding the fact that sarah palin raised taxes?
from an article titled : Alaskan Greens Say McCain's VP Pick Has Anti-Environmental Record
"Gov. Palin will simply continue the failed policies of the Bush-Cheney administration and their Big Oil friends -- policies that could make us even more dependent on foreign oil," said League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski. "Gov. Palin characterizes McCain's flip-flop on drilling offshore as a positive step in his transformation from maverick to Big Oil's best friend."the environmentalists in her own state distrust sarah palin.
"Most people in the Alaskan environmental community see her as an ally of Big Oil, willing to set aside both science and the public good to benefit the industry."
"Palin has also opposed efforts to protect Cook Inlet beluga whales, a genetically distinct population of whales located only in this Alaskan inlet. Scientists estimate that they numbered 1,300 in the '80s; now they're down to just 375. Environmental groups have been pressing for a listing to protect the whales, but Palin has urged the federal government not to list, again citing threats to the oil and gas industry. 'I am especially concerned that an unnecessary federal listing and designation of critical habitat would do serious long-term damage to the vibrant economy of the Cook Inlet area,' said Palin in a statement last year."
"Another major concern for enviros is Palin's stance on endangered species in the state. After the Bush administration's Department of Interior listed the polar bear as a threatened species in May, the governor sued the department. 'We believe that the ... decision to list the polar bear was not based on the best scientific and commercial data available,' said Palin, who also penned an op-ed in The New York Times on the subject. "
"Palin and other state officials expressed concern that listing polar bears as threatened would impair oil and gas development in the state. Palin argued that the listing decision was based on 'the unproven long-term impact of any future climate change on the species' and that a 'comprehensive review' of the federal science by state wildlife officials found no reason to support listing the bears as endangered."
"But emails released via a public-records request later showed that Alaskan state scientists agreed with federal researchers that polar bears are threatened by shrinking ice. 'Overall, we believe that the methods and analytical approaches used to examine the currently available information supports the primary conclusions and inferences stated' in federal reports, wrote Robert Small, head of the marine mammals program for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game."
" 'This was the Bush administration Fish and Wildlife [Service]. It's not like these people are bear-huggers,' said Van Tuyn. "State scientists looked at it and said that's the best science, and Palin said, 'Keep your mouths shut,' and she turned around to the public and said, 'I do not support listing the polar bear, the science doesn't support it.'"
and finally , on foreign policy , palin and mcCain and all the right wing-nut, neo-press talk about the success of the surge and STILL talk about victory in iraq . either they are idiots, liars , or completely in denial .
do a google for the arabic word "jizyah" if you think the "decrease" in violence in iraq is some kind of Us victory.
since they had done nothing to the Us to warrant an invasion , the sunnis in iraq were obligated by quran to fight the invaders , the aggressors, the oppressors .
"slaughter is better than oppression ...oppression is worse than slaughter...allah loves not the oppressor ...allah loves not the aggressor " .
once the invasion took place, iraqi resistance had to begin. once begun, it had to continue as a matter of religious , national and personal honor.
how does it end? the aggressor leaves , or accepts islam --under which, hostilities are "supposed" to cease, or the aggressor ceases to attack and pays the jizyah as a sign of being vanquished .
the "surge" is paying 70,000 sunni insurgents in iraq $10 each man, per day, NOT to kill americans.
the Us is paying iraqi sunnis the "jizyah" --the tax , or in old roman empire terms , the "tribute" monies a defeated subject people pays to their vanquishers and masters, not to kill them.
"The tax that is taken from the free non—Muslim subjects of a Muslim government whereby they ratify the compact that assures them protection, as though it were compensation for not being slain ." --e.w. lane
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the jizyah (tribute, tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." --Holy Quran (Al-Tawbah 9:29)
victory in iraq ?
victory by whom?
the smell of victory smells like de-feet
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