deskRat's comments at google video on john hankey's film 'dark legacy'
i was operating under a 500 character limitation for each comment thus observations had to be limited, abbreviated & broken into little bite sized chunks of information.
grandaddy prescott bush was part of the project that put hitler into power BECAUSE hitler promised war. the arms merchants and bankers on both sides of the atlantic and pacific made billions supplying arms to ALL sides in WWII--just as they had done in WWI. they created a boogeyman and then went to war against what they helped create. the same can be said of the cold war--they created a 'red menace' that was in reality 'the mexico of europe' and then made 10 trillion in defense contracts against
the boogeyman they helped to create. the soviets were deathly afraid of a Us nuke or chem/biological first strike and built their entire strategy for potential war with the Us on scenarios where the Us made the first strike and not them. the arms merchants and bankers actively sought war between the Us and Ussr --the cuban missile crisis was one of at least three attempts where they actually did try to force a confrontation. they create a boogeyman and then go to war against what they created.
saddam hussein began his career as a hitman in a Cia plot to assassinate colonel kassim --the leaer of iraq because he was too Soviet friendly for Us war party tastes. kassim said iraq's oil profits should benefit the iraqi people and not big oil companies. also kassim began buying his weapons from the soviets instead of the west. when young saddam failed and only killed kassim's driver Cia helped him escape iraq and kept him on the payroll in jordan and egypt until kassim was finally killed.
saddam returns to iraq and works his way up the ladder in the baath party that is given lists of iraqi 'communists' by the cia to 'eliminate' -which saddam does. finally saddam is in power in iraq and goes to war against Us enemy iran. under reagan/bush the Us supplies him not only with the materials and know how to make his chemical weapons , but also a team of DIA analysts to feed saddam satellite info on where the iranian troops are concentrated in order to magnify the weapons killing effect
later bush 1 as president goads saddam into war with kuwait by secretly promising kuwait that he has their back in any confrontation with iraq. the Us continues to sell saddam the know how and materials for his weapons programs while telling him 2 his face his dispute with kuwait is none of the bush administration's concern . it's a tacit green light to invade because saddam had summoned the Us ambassador to baghdad in order to warn bush that iraq would fight if kuwait continued to slant drill
saddam takes the bait & invades kuwait . bush 1 sends in dick cheney with fake satellite photos to saudis showing iraqis mobilized at saudi border. saudis and other arab states -- scared spitless of boogeyman saddam --get on board gulf war 1 . saddam with "the 4th largest army in the world" is the "new hitler" in the western media--bent on taking over by force all arab oil producers "to bring western industry to its knees". am i exaggerating here? they create a boogeyman to go to war against
bush 2 administration is asleep at the wheel. ignores warnings from israeli , german, jordanian , russian intel orgs that attack using planes is imminent on Us. putin tells his intel to warn Us "in the most strongest terms" that terror attack is imminent . not one finger lifted in the Us. a group of Fbi agents issue warning about terrorists taking flight lessons in the Us! nothing is done. drills and simulations draw most of the air force fighters away towards canada .
on or about the time of the 9-11 attacks the airforce and Fema are running drills in which attacks using hijacked airliners crash into Pentagon and WTC towers? coincidence ? what the fluck! while the towers are being struck, chairmen of both the house and senate intelligence committees porter goss &bob graham are having breakfast with head of pakistani intel group the ISI --who also happens to be the guy who gave the order to wire $100,000 to head hijacker mohammed atta earlier that summer .
before the attacks are even over george tenent head of Cia announces it could only be bin laden. Us & allies go to war with Cia's 'al qaeda' afghan boogeyman creation--in an amazingly quick amount of time--because brits& Us luckily have planned wargames for that region & just happen to have warships &men & materials already in motion. what a coincidence! while bush 2, cheney, condoleeza, colin &rumsy link saddam with 9-11 & grow fears he's got chem-weapons& nuke in works 2 whip up war frenzy
7-7-05 london subway bombings take place in exact locations where brit intel is running drills about bombs planted in the subways??? bibi netanyahu scheduled 2 make a speech that morning but cancels at last moment due 2 warnings from intel. BUT scotland yard & israeli mossad can't decide who warned who 1st about the attacks because whoever was 1st has 2 explain how they found out in the nick of time 2 keep bibi safe. they create big boogeyman &go 2 war with their creation 2 make big profits .
grandaddy prescott bush was part of the project that put hitler into power BECAUSE hitler promised war. the arms merchants and bankers on both sides of the atlantic and pacific made billions supplying arms to ALL sides in WWII--just as they had done in WWI. they created a boogeyman and then went to war against what they helped create. the same can be said of the cold war--they created a 'red menace' that was in reality 'the mexico of europe' and then made 10 trillion in defense contracts against
the boogeyman they helped to create. the soviets were deathly afraid of a Us nuke or chem/biological first strike and built their entire strategy for potential war with the Us on scenarios where the Us made the first strike and not them. the arms merchants and bankers actively sought war between the Us and Ussr --the cuban missile crisis was one of at least three attempts where they actually did try to force a confrontation. they create a boogeyman and then go to war against what they created.
saddam hussein began his career as a hitman in a Cia plot to assassinate colonel kassim --the leaer of iraq because he was too Soviet friendly for Us war party tastes. kassim said iraq's oil profits should benefit the iraqi people and not big oil companies. also kassim began buying his weapons from the soviets instead of the west. when young saddam failed and only killed kassim's driver Cia helped him escape iraq and kept him on the payroll in jordan and egypt until kassim was finally killed.
saddam returns to iraq and works his way up the ladder in the baath party that is given lists of iraqi 'communists' by the cia to 'eliminate' -which saddam does. finally saddam is in power in iraq and goes to war against Us enemy iran. under reagan/bush the Us supplies him not only with the materials and know how to make his chemical weapons , but also a team of DIA analysts to feed saddam satellite info on where the iranian troops are concentrated in order to magnify the weapons killing effect
later bush 1 as president goads saddam into war with kuwait by secretly promising kuwait that he has their back in any confrontation with iraq. the Us continues to sell saddam the know how and materials for his weapons programs while telling him 2 his face his dispute with kuwait is none of the bush administration's concern . it's a tacit green light to invade because saddam had summoned the Us ambassador to baghdad in order to warn bush that iraq would fight if kuwait continued to slant drill
saddam takes the bait & invades kuwait . bush 1 sends in dick cheney with fake satellite photos to saudis showing iraqis mobilized at saudi border. saudis and other arab states -- scared spitless of boogeyman saddam --get on board gulf war 1 . saddam with "the 4th largest army in the world" is the "new hitler" in the western media--bent on taking over by force all arab oil producers "to bring western industry to its knees". am i exaggerating here? they create a boogeyman to go to war against
bush 2 administration is asleep at the wheel. ignores warnings from israeli , german, jordanian , russian intel orgs that attack using planes is imminent on Us. putin tells his intel to warn Us "in the most strongest terms" that terror attack is imminent . not one finger lifted in the Us. a group of Fbi agents issue warning about terrorists taking flight lessons in the Us! nothing is done. drills and simulations draw most of the air force fighters away towards canada .
on or about the time of the 9-11 attacks the airforce and Fema are running drills in which attacks using hijacked airliners crash into Pentagon and WTC towers? coincidence ? what the fluck! while the towers are being struck, chairmen of both the house and senate intelligence committees porter goss &bob graham are having breakfast with head of pakistani intel group the ISI --who also happens to be the guy who gave the order to wire $100,000 to head hijacker mohammed atta earlier that summer .
before the attacks are even over george tenent head of Cia announces it could only be bin laden. Us & allies go to war with Cia's 'al qaeda' afghan boogeyman creation--in an amazingly quick amount of time--because brits& Us luckily have planned wargames for that region & just happen to have warships &men & materials already in motion. what a coincidence! while bush 2, cheney, condoleeza, colin &rumsy link saddam with 9-11 & grow fears he's got chem-weapons& nuke in works 2 whip up war frenzy
7-7-05 london subway bombings take place in exact locations where brit intel is running drills about bombs planted in the subways??? bibi netanyahu scheduled 2 make a speech that morning but cancels at last moment due 2 warnings from intel. BUT scotland yard & israeli mossad can't decide who warned who 1st about the attacks because whoever was 1st has 2 explain how they found out in the nick of time 2 keep bibi safe. they create big boogeyman &go 2 war with their creation 2 make big profits .
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