Sunday, November 18, 2012

euro-khazars and arabs one-sided fight over lands of the ancient blacks

the arabs and europe's khazars both suck in their treatment of blacks and are fighting each other over what once was part of the land of the global black peoples, but the slaughter today is so blatantly one sided that it cannot be ignored. this is also a continuation of the now three thousand year war over control of the globally strategic lands surrounding the mediterranean basin--especially its eastern corner where old global commercial trade routes and now energy reserves of the world, meet.

from about 1200 bc to the final destruction of carthage by the romans, the europeans fought to unseat the blacks originally inhabiting and economically dominating this mediterranean basin region --what i refer to as 'the thousand year war'.

from the fall of rome to present day, it has been either the europeans vs the islamic world, or the competing branches of european empires fighting it out among themselves over who will control this region.

the founding of modern 'israel' in 1948 was a continuation of this struggle as europe succeeded in solving two 'problems' at once by helping khazar refugees from the nazi genocides to plant a euro-colony there masquerading as old israel from the bible in attempts to permanently cement an outpost of euro-control in the region. though naturally outnumbered in population, the khazar masqueraders have never been out gunned in terms of modern firepower--their relatives, the children of europe have always seen to that.

the various khazar-'israeli' wars of aggression, the Us iraq wars, the recent arab spring, the euro-american coup against gadaffi in libya, this years coup and western partitioning of mali, the attempted coup /civil war in syria and now this latest war against gaza --all are part of the struggle to control the lands of the mediterranean basin--once OUR crucial link between the black civilizations of africa and the black civilizations of asia.

many centuries ago our enemies began physically injecting themselves into this region and their occupation of it became a wedge driven between the african and asian branches of ancient black civilization. a 'wedge' as in the terms 'middle man' in commerce as well as 'divide and conquer' in warfare. historically as far as blacks are concerned, both arabs and 'jews' know these terms well.


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