Saturday, November 19, 2005

;) faux news exclusive --- former pres comments on the present administration

" you know , i look at things and i can't believe it ! bush allowed the world trade center attacks to occur right under his nose , he lied about saddam's supposed 'connections' to al qaeda and non-existent iraqi wmd , he cheated in two presidential elections , deliberately misled the nation into war, revealed classified secrets to retaliate against people who exposed his lies--bush continually brayed like an annoying jackass about his christian 'faith' and 'morality' while at the same time letting a guy who ran gay hustler escort services repeatedly into white house press briefings as a 'reporter' --gave this same phoney reporter white house credentials , repeatedly let the same gay hustler sign in to go upstairs into the white house living quarters for hours at a time --the whitehouse sign-in security logs reveal that sometimes the guy didn't sign out at all some nights after signing in earlier -- while at the same time the bush administration was publicly bashing gay marriage and making opposition to gay marriage a huge smoke screen phoney campaign issue in the recent election-- the bush administration let dubya's and cheney's business cronies loot the public treasury with no-bid contracts, the bush administration began an assault on the constitutional rights of citizens at home and an assault on human rights abroad -- the bush administration got us into a military ,political and diplomatic quagmire in iraq --set up gulags and prisons for the torture of prisoners of war--his administration politically destabilized the entire middle east , made us hated by almost the entire world ,played a guitar while the whole world saw on tv poorfolks dying from gross governmental incompetence and blatant criminal neglect during hurricane katrina--- he ruined the economy , weakened our currency compared to the euro ,threw away $200 billion on iraq-- while schools and infrastructure at home continue to crumble and jobs continue to leave the country in search of child labor and penny-wages --- he squandered the budget slurpus he inherited from the previous administration , he cut funds to headstart , student loans , foodstamps , medicade , veterans and the poor, created record budget deficits while giving even more tax breaks to his rich buddies -- bush oversaw record high fuel prices at the same time that his buddies in the oil business are announcing record profits--the bush administration has been a motley collection of undeniable DISASTER AFTER DISASTER ---the bush administration has FAILED the american people on every front and what gets me is that he is STILL in office !!! ---jeeze , it all makes me wonder just who the hell do you have to 'f---' in this town to get a president impeached these days ?"


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