Saturday, September 30, 2006

"if you want to understand the world you live in" ...a must see video...a paradigm altering experience !!!

*(click photo for larger image) is this man with the unusual hairline , standing at the texas school book depository moments after JFK was fatally shot , none other than george herbert walker bush --the president's daddy ?

is it the same george herbert walker bush who still says he can't remember where he was that fateful day ?

the same ghw bush who says that even though his "zapata oil" company was working about 30 miles north of cuba around the same time as the bay of pigs invasion--cia's bay of pigs invasion was codenamed zapata btw-- and even though ghw bush's father prescott bush, was a close personal associate of not only the man called "the archetict of the cia", but also close personal associates with the cia's director alan dulles , and the cia's head of recruitment-- ghw bush still insists on his cover story that he was never in the cia until he suddenly became director of the agency in the mid 1970s ?

isn't that's sort of like never having been in the army until one day , just out of the blue , despite the fact you have no experience , they decide to make you 4 star general?

found at google video

Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination JFK II -- Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy
447 ratings ; Avg rating: 4 and one half stars

578 yesterday «
Alex Jones Productions
1 hr 30 min 27 sec - Sep 1, 2004

"A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy."

*the first 40 minutes raise important questions --from there on in they take up the question of who did the crime of the 20th century , how they got away with it , why they did it , what nefarious EVIL they are up to now and how they still keep it all covered up to this day... and what it says about little beelzeDUB george dubya , raises some pretty damming questions too---"some investigatin" needs to be done --really !


i have a friend who talks to me about the "illuminati" .i've always been sitting on the fence as far as to the question of "does an illuminati really exist?" but after this video , i'm convinced that if there is an illuminati --it's these guys!

i have read about this case and things of this nature since i was a kid--since i was about 13 years old --including most , if not almost all , of what's in this video --but this video connected the dots . they put it altogether in a way that's very hard to argue with.

to be honest , it stunned the hell out of me!!! almost knocked me out of the chair , especially the last 30 or so minutes . THE GUYS THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT ARE EVIL --plain and simple. PURE EVIL !!!


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