Sunday, December 31, 2006

"dead men tell no tales"

Sunday, December 31, 2006
"he ain't dead"

a woman commented about saddam hussein's excecution over at the "zaneland" blog ...some had speculated that the execution was a staged event ...i disagreed :

he's dead . the video is out on the net already . go to

they put the rope around his neck .they say something in arabic followed by the obligatory references to allah being most great and muhammad being his prophet --someone is reciting from what is probably quran to which saddam joins in with the obligatory "Allahhuakbar " with the rest of the hangmen .
saddam says something that other sources have translated as , "down with the invaders ,
down with spies , and down with traitors."
one of the hangmen or officials says something in response that makes
hussein smile and chuckle.

the hangmen chant something and then you see him drop through the chute .
mom ents later , the camera is being moved so there's no clear shot for a couple of seconds
and then you see him dead with the rope around his neck , eyes partially open .

it's him .

saddam was a killer, but make no mistake --this was not a trial and execution
--this was more of a "mob" type hit to silence a junior mob guy because any REAL investigation and trial would lead DIRECTLY TO THE HOUSE OF BUSH .
Tarik Aziz , saddam's foreign minister (secretary of state ) also imprisoned offered REPEATEDLY to testify at saddam's trial and was refused by the Us . Aziz said he had testimony concerning saddam's crimes , that would seriously "embarrass" people both inside and OUTSIDE iraq . watch aziz be further ignored and then executed quickly too .

these are not trials you see going on these are coverups to obscure the direct role played by daddy bush , henry kissinger , donald rumsfeld , prime minister margaret thatcher --the Us and the Uk-- in arming saddam with chemical weapons and encouraging him to go to war first with iran and then with kuwait .
the crimes against humanity saddam was excecuted for stem directly from this.
it's like the "war on drugs" --also headed up by daddy bush under reagan --you see the cops kick some street dealers ass
and lock him up for having a pocketful of cash and a paperbag full of crack --that gets shown on tv and the public goes , "yeah yeah ! give him life in prison ! no better yet , execute his ass !"
the planes keep flying in , bringing in cocaine by the ton--the BIG BOYS ESCAPE NOTICE AND ITS BUSINESS AS USUAL .

i do not believe in partial justice --if you hang somebody , HANG ALL THE GUILTY PARTIES --HANG THE BIG DEVILS IN THE US AND THE UK pulling the strings, don't just hang the devil's errand boy and then call it justice .

Saturday, December 30, 2006
Israeli author claimed President Bush Approved the Sharon Assassination of Yasser Arafat
Current mood: annoyed
Category: News and Politics

while looking at al jazeera for news of the arab world's reaction to saddam hussein's excecution we found this article.

when arafat fell ill and died mysteriously
we speculated then that it was israeli assassination
through poisoning .

in 1995 when rafik hariri was murdered by bomb blast in beruit , we believed it to be the izzies trying to blame the murder on syria and force a withdrawl of syrian forces to militarily isolate hezbollah in preparation for a renewed war against lebanon .

either we are a little psychic or maybe the bush / israeli gang are hog wild homicidal maniacs totally minus respect for human life ?
today's execution of saddam hussein lends even more credence to
the NOT psychic argument .

President Bush Approved the Sharon Assassination of Yasser Arafat, Details in the Uri Dan Book

Israeli journalist reveals the secrets of the assassination of Arafat by Ariel Sharon

Date: 29 / 12 / 2006 Time: 13:49

Bethlehem - Ma'an –

The recently deceased Israeli writer, Uri Dan, who was close to Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli Prime Minister, published a book in France in which he accused Sharon of assassinating the former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat by poisoning him. Dan confirmed in his book that Arafat's health began to deteriorate in April 2004 after Sharon ended a phone call with American President George Bush who gave him the green light to deal with Arafat.

Another writer, Amnon Kabilok, wrote a revision of the book which is entitled 'Sharon,' in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. He inquired how Uri Dan knew about the sickness of Arafat and its causes and symptoms months in advance of the deceased's symptoms appearing.

Amnon said that while reviewing a book by Uri Dan, he received the news that the author of that book has passed away. He also said that he struggled to get a copy of the book, which he finally obtained with the help of a French friend.

Earlier, Amnon Kabilok had spoken with his French friend about the death of Yasser Arafat and the attempt to murder Khaled Mesha'al, the head of the Hamas political department. He said that his French friend could not believe his expectations that Arafat may have been assassinated. Then he told him that he found a book by a man who was very close to Ariel Sharon, (Uri Dan) revealing the secrets of the assassination of Arafat and the famous phone call between Sharon and Bush in which Sharon told the American president that he is no longer committed to not liquidating Arafat.

11:39 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

why bush wanted saddam dead--from wayne madsen report
Current mood: annoyed
Category: News and Politics

Dec. 26-27, 2006 -- Why the Bush crime family wants Saddam to die.
Iraq's former dictator managed to avoid one of the world's most high-tech assassination efforts during the Iraq War campaign only to be allegedly discovered by U.S. forces hiding in a hole in the ground near Tikrit. There is little doubt that the trial of Saddam Hussein by a U.S. puppet government in the Green Zone of Baghdad has been a charade and a miscarriage of justice. Saddam's death sentence decided by an Iraqi government-appointed and U.S.-approved judge on Dec. 26 was never in doubt, considering the knowledge the former Iraqi leader possesses of past crimes of the Bush family and their coterie of friends and partners in providing Iraq with much of the biological and chemical weaponry used against the Kurds, Shi'as, and Iranians.

Saddam Hussein's willingness to provide the Western media with documents and other evidence of the connivance of George H. W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Frank Carlucci, and other Reagan-Bush administration principals was made apparent to this editor in the months preceding the March 2003 American attack on Iraq. A senior Iraqi official contacted a British colleague of this editor and passed on a personal offer from Saddam Hussein to provide an "enterprising" Western journalist with the proof of America's sanctioning of Saddam's use of U.S.-supplied chem-bio weapons during the Iran-Iraq War, including Iraq's attack on the Kurdish village of Halabja. Also included in Saddam's "package" would be top secret information regarding his role as a longtime asset for the CIA, dating from his student days in Cairo.

The Bushes want Saddam very dead: the Iraqi ex-dictator knows too much about the chem-bio weapons supplied to Iraq by Reagan and Bush.

The essence of the offer passed to this editor via the British interlocutor was that Saddam, aware that George W. Bush was going to attack Iraq, ordered his intelligence service to gather up all incriminating evidence that would show the world that Iraq's past "weapons of mass destruction" were provided by the Reagan and Bush I administrations. This proof undoubtedly included tape recorded conversations between Saddam and his advisers and Ronald Reagan's personal envoy to Iraq, Rumsfeld. Saddam hoped that the exposure of the Reagan-Bush administrations would embarrass Washington and derail its attack plans.

The offer from Baghdad was straightforward -- arrive in Baghdad overland from Jordan and the proof would be handed over. There was one slight hitch. Having such incriminating evidence -- documents and proof that the Reagan administration and that of George W. Bush's father aided and abetted in Saddam's military's use of chem-bio weaponry against Iranians and his own people -- would have likely made any "enterprising" Western journalist an inviting target for a number of bad actors the moment that journalist crossed into Jordanian territory from Iraq.

Ironically, Saddam Hussein was more willing to provide the media with classified and sensitive information to expose the machinations of the United States than anyone in the George W. Bush administration or that of his father. It is very clear why the Bush administration wants Saddam dead and it has nothing to do with Saddam's alleged "crimes against humanity."--wayne madsen

11:31 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

bush hangs saddam = "bring it on" --part 2
Current mood: infuriated
Category: News and Politics

even though i knew they were going to kill him , i was still shocked when i heard it . what a rotten piece of shit bush is !

to excute a prisoner of war while the war is still going on is unheard of --it's not justice --it's revenge --and of course it's to keep saddam silent about the help he had in his crimes from george hw bush ,
reagan , kissinger and rumsfeld

the Us is sadly mistaken if they think this will deflate the resistance --though saddam was the architect of the iraqi resistance and planned the guerrilla war we now see against american occupation , the resistance said from the start that they fight for iraq and not for saddam .
many iraqis who hated saddam and said he should die
also said that executing him like this was a huge insult to all iraqis and the iraqi nation .

the baathist say all bets are off . there will be no peaceful withdrawl of Us soldiers from iraq .they will not allow it after this execution of their president .
they promise to fight and kill Us soldiers until the last soldier is out of iraq--no truce --no negotiations .

and you can bet there could possibly be 'hangings' of captured american soldiers .
bush is a fool who is advised by fools who have no understanding of the region or its people .

it's been reported that rumsfeld himself --on orders from bush-- personally offered saddam his life and his freedom in exchange for going on tv and ordering the resistance to lay down their arms--saddam refused and told him the americans were caught in a trap he had set and would be defeated in iraq just as they were in vietnam .

now they've made a martyr of saddam --killing his sons and grandson and showing humiliating photos of saddam in his underwear wasn't enough .

from the grave saddam will get the last laugh as the iraqis drive the americans out in what may now prove to be an unnecessarily bloody retreat --when it did not have to be that way at all .

Friday, December 29, 2006

hanging saddam...

over at zaneland , zane the lovely host , asked her blog readers our thoughts concerning the possible reaction to the death sentence recently handed down against saddam hussein --to which this observer replied (posted last night):

the bushites want saddam as dead as gerald ford because dead men tell no tales .
saddam knows too much and as long as he lives the Us role in creating and arming saddam --providing him with his infamous wmd -- is likely to be revealed .

we have said this before but it bears repeating again .
saddam was america's boy . he began his career at age 22 as a hitman for cia .
he was part of a cia assassination plot against iraq's leader colonel kassim .
kassim was viewed by the Us as too chummy with the soviets at the time .
kassim also was a populist who wanted to nationalize iraq's oil .
saddam and the other plotters ambushed kassim's car .
saddam was too impatient and blew it by firing too soon.
kassim was only wounded , his driver was killed and saddam had to flee the country.
saddam's cia handlers paid for his apartment in cairo for a year or so until another attempt on kassim succeeded and he was killed .

saddam returned to iraq , rode the coattails of an older cousin or uncle up the ladder of the baath party .
the Us saw the baath as the vehicle for carrying out its ambitions in iraq . iraq had a strong communist party then so the Us saw the nationalist baath party as an alternative to communism/socialism .
saddam was a thug . he was given the names of enemies of baath party --people labeled "communists" and "communist symphatheizers" by his cia handlers and saddam broke legs , saddam intimidated ,eventually , saddam made people disappear --people the baath wanted gone as well as people the
Us wanted disappeared too --and there were many the Us wanted gone .

to build popular support , baath party ironically adopted much of the populism that
characterized colonel kassim's regime . free universal education for all iraqis ; educational and employment opportunities for women ; universal free health care ; technological modernization ; access to clean drinking water --all of this was done for iraqis by baath party and paid for by state oil revenues .

iraq became a modern , secular state and raqis became the most literate people in the middle east--only the palestinians could rival the iraqis in literacy rates among the arabs .

saddam gradually followed his cousin up the ladder to become number two man in iraq . he then "retired " his cousin and became number one .

when neighboring iran's shah was overthrown in 1979 and Us embassy personnel held hostage by iran , saddam received quiet assurances that if conflict broke out between iraq
and iran that the Us would see it as in its vital interests that iran not prevail .

iraq and iran eventually go to war --after initial successes , things go badly for iraq.

iran has twice the population as iraq --the iranian army hurls human wave attacks at the iraqis--similar to the chinese army attacks against the americans during the korean war .

the Us and other nations provide iraq with chemical / biological weapons and it begins a horrific phase of the war with both sides using chemical weapons --at times on an almost daily basis .

the americans also regularly provided satellite photos and a team of about 60 defense intelligence agency analysts to saddam and tell him the satellite photos show the iranian troops are massing in this location and that location --"shoot your chemical weapons to those locations for greatest killing effectiveness"--if saddam committed war crimes he had help from his Us accomplices.

the war drags on for 8 years with a cost of about 2 million casualties . the Us through israel , sells iran weapons --playing both sides against each other . the Us and israelis secretly or not so secretly hope the iranians and iraqis kill each other off--and do all they can to help make it so .

the war ends in stalemate , iraq has huge bills to pay --in the meantime saddam turns his attention to the kuwaitis who have been slant drilling across the border siphoning iraq's oil .

many iraqis still view kuwait as part of iraq --around the first world war the british divided kuwait from iraq and set up the kuwaiti "royals" as monarchs .

negotiations fail , saddam eventually calls assistant Us ambassador april glaspie to baghdad and warns her iraq is not going to idly sit back and let kuwait steal its oil . the Us better talk to the kuwaitis or he will act .

glaspie tells saddam that iraq's border dispute with kuwait is none of america's concern --in effect a green light to invade kuwait has been given saddam .

but the joke is on saddam --the Us has long ago sceretly told the kuwaits that in any military
conflict with saddam --the Us has got kuwait's back .

saddam invades --president george herbert walker bush unleashes a media blitz --paints saddam as the new hitler --sends in dick cheney to the saudis with faked satellite photos showing saddam;s tanks poised on the saudi border--scaring the saudis into supporting a coalition of arab and western nations that go to war and crush the "new hitler" ---and it's called gulf war 1

after a dozen years of economic sanctions against iraq where they can't even buy chlorine to purify drinking water 1,500,000 iraqis die --mostly children and the elderly --and mostly from diseases caused by drinking dirty unpurified water after bombs from the allied planes in the war deliberately target iraq's water purification and sewage treatment systems--a clear violation of the geneva accords --it's a war crime to destroy infrastructure vital to civilian life--but no trials are held for Us , british , french , saudi generals who deliberately targeted iraq's water systems and purification infrastructure .

to sum it up, saddam was america's boy .

they used him to kill off the "communists" in iraq. they used him against iran in the war in which the Us sold weapons to both sides .

they--reagan and george herbert walker bush --armed saddam --made him into a threat, made him into a boogeyman --and then set him up and george hw bush went to war against the very same monster he helped create . ---the defense contractors made a fortune-- first selling saddam weapons --then selling the Us government weapons to stop saddam ---just as prescott bush and his defense contractor buddies --decades earlier helped create another boogeyman--adolph hitler--armed him --and then when the nation went to war against him ---they sold weapons and war materials to both sides --before and during the war ---and made a fortune stopping hitler .

after the war they made even more money --6 to 10 trillion dollars worth by keeping the Us on a wartime footing for 50 years --ready to fight another created "boogeyman"--the red menace of the phoney "cold war " --until the "dreaded" soviet union turned out to be the inept "mexico of europe"

just to show the acorn don't fall far from the tree -- little georgie dubya bush found his "boogeyman" in bin laden, al qaeda--and threw in old saddam for good measure --a two-fer the price of one --now did anybody get rich in selling weapons to stop the new boogeymen ?

saddam has to die because someone might listen to him spill the beans about these guys' modus operendi --the merchants of death make their money creating "boogeymen" to keep us scared , then they convince us to go to war against the boogeymen that they armed and created --and then they make a fortune looting the public treasury --selling arms to both sides while the nations fight to stop the boogeymen the merchants of death let loose on the world --it's sort of like the fireman lighting fires to keep himself in business.

hey , you think its over just because the "dumbocrats" took a majority in congress in the recent elections ?

well look at whats going on in africa between somalia and ethiopia --the Us armed both sides...

"and the beat goes on ...the beat goes on ..."

(posted today)ok , it's been observed that my referring to saddam hussein as "america's boy" could be considered in the interest of balance , since the news says his execution is likely imminent , let none say deskRat chronicles is biased .

here is a view of hussein from another perspective --that of blogger malcolm lagauche
Thursday/Friday, December 28-29, 2006


The decision to uphold the death sentence of Saddam Hussein by the sham Iraqi appeals court has gained worldwide condemnation, except for the U.S., of course. The court took two days to read 1,500 pages of documents presented by the defense. No court in the world can decipher this number of pages in such a short time, not even a legitimate court.

No one was surprised by the verdict against Saddam because of the knowledge this was a foregone conclusion. However, the court outdid itself by ruling on the Iraqi vice president, Ramadan. He was sentenced to life in prison, but the appeals court took it upon itself to change the sentence to death, even though his case was not on the docket.

From the time Saddam first set foot in court until today, the entire system was stacked against him and conducted so many breaches of the law that it would take an expert mathematician to give us a tally.

Dr. Curtis Doebbler, a noted international human rights attorney, was on Saddam's legal team from the start. I spoke to him today to get his opinion on the appeals court decision. He stated:

We're trying to point out that if an execution takes place, it will be an ex-judicial, arbitrary execution outside the law in violation of the law. It's somewhat ironic that this individual who will be executed has proven to have much more integrity than the individuals who are executing him, including the U.S. president who exhibits more evidence that he has committed crimes against the Iraqi people than there was against the president of Iraq in the first trial in which he was brought before the U.S.-created court and there has still has been no investigation of the U.S. president.

As you've seen the Iraqi president has maintained his dignity and also maintained his peace of mind in belief that he personifies the will of the Iraq people to continue to fight against this occupation, which they believe, and the majority of the international community believes, is illegal and the consequence of the illegal invasion of Iraq.

It's quite a sad day, I think, for international justice and, unfortunately, an another example of how the United States is unwilling to conform with international law; to show respect for international law. What hurts me most, as an American, is that we're the ones who benefit the most from respecting that law. When we set this example, we essentially tell people that the law cannot be used to try to get the United States to respect their rights. They have to use other means. That's what got us into many of the problems that we're in today.

Almost everybody in the U.S. is in the lynching mood. Pundits are frothing at the mouth while they discuss the upcoming execution. There is a collective air of insanity today in the U.S. Even former anti-war proponents are cheering on the future execution. Many Democratic politicians have said they were happy about the decision and that Saddam "deserves" it. Not one, however, has discussed the legality or the fairness of his trial.

Leftist journalists are trying to outdo each other in demeaning Saddam. Not only are they talking about his "brutal dictatorship," they are making up even new fables of atrocities committed under his regime.

I challenge all journalists who advocate the hanging of Saddam Hussein to take a few hours and research reality.
The standard figure of deaths attributed to the Ba'ath regime during the Anfal campaign is 182,000. Why have there not been any bodies found? If 182,000 people were killed, there must be piles and piles of bodies, yet none has appeared.
If 148 people were sentenced to death in 1982 for attempting to assassinate the president of Iraq, why are at least 24 still alive? And, those who were executed received a lengthy and fair trial that lasted about three years. They were fighting on the side of Iran while Iraq was engaged in a war with its eastern neighbor. In the U.S., this would be considered high treason. With Saddam Hussein, it was called mass murder. George Bush himself signed off more execution orders while the governor of Texas than did Saddam in the Dujail case.
If Iraqi military personnel gassed and killed 5,000 Kurds in Halabjah, why were only 300 bodies found? And, why was the gas used to kill the citizens cyanogen, a gas that Iraq did not possess but Iran did? Why have the CIA, the U.S. Army War College, Greenpeace, the main CIA analyst in 1988 (Stephen Pellitiere), the late Jude Waniski, the U.S Marine Corps Historical Report, and various other individuals and organizations blamed Iran for the gassing of the Kurds?
Why has not one Iraqi come forward and stated he was part of the gassing campaign? Today, with the Ba'athists out of power, one cannot use the excuse that no one would step forward because of threats of death from the Ba'ath administration. Huge sums of money have been offered for someone to state that he knew about or was part of the gassing: a pilot, or a supply specialist, or an observer, anyone. Not one person has emerged to claim the bounty.
In November 2003, the U.S. stated that 400,000 bodies were found in mass graves in the south of Iraq. The following June, Tony Blair admitted to the press that only 5,000 bodies were found. He "mis-spoke" when he used the original figure of 400,000. Subsequent investigations showed that many of the 5,000 were killed by U.S. bombs in Desert Storm. Why has no one taken the ball and run with this story?

I have reported extensively on the above anomalies. Unfortunately, few others have. To me, investigating and disproving accepted myths are the marks of an astute journalists.

No, today we still hear all the beastly acts attributed to Saddam Hussein from the mouths of people who should know better. Many people have stated that George Bush has lied about everything to do with Iraq: weapons of mass destruction; the Bin-Laden/Saddam link; the Iraqi involvement with 9-11; the fictitious biological weapons trailers; the imprisonment of an American POW since 1991; etc. Yet, the same people broadcast the myths about Saddam Hussein's barbaric actions. I again issue a challenge to the leftist press: Please explain if Bush has lied about everything, why is he telling the truth about Saddam's brutality? That's a hard one for the pundits to answer. For someone with any amount of intelligence and logic, it is easy: Bush lied about Saddam as well.

Here are a few questions that are not heard today, but should be crucial in discussing Iraq:
Why don't we hear about Iraq being designated "free of illiteracy" by the U.N. in 1982, when in 1973 the country's literacy rate was below 40%?
Why don't we hear about the proclamation of the U.N. in 1984 that Iraq's education system was the finest the world had ever seen from a developing country?
Why don't we hear about the New York Times calling Iraq the "Paris of the Middle East" in 1987?
Why don't we hear about Saddam Hussein visiting houses in the south of Iraq in the 1970s just to make sure each one had a refrigerator and electricity?
Why don't we hear about the several million foreign Arabs who went to Iraq to take advantage of the land program the Ba'athists instituted in which the person would be given land to create crops?
Why don't we hear about the Iraqi educators and doctors who were sent to Arab countries to assist them in developing their own programs?
Why don't we hear praise from Arab countries for Iraq having lost so many soldiers in the Iran-Iraq War, all for the defense of these countries who were scared about Iran exporting its religious fundamentalism to their shores?
Why don't we hear about the several approaches made to Saddam in the 1990s by U.S. sources to recognize Israel and allow U.S. military bases in Iraq in trade for lifting the embargo?
Why don't we hear that every U.S. person on the U.N. inspection team from 1991 to 1998 was a spy, not an inspector?

The list could go on and on. In my upcoming book, The Mother of All Battles: The Endless U.S.-Iraq War, I go into detail about these and other matters left untouched by the cliché-ridden, myopic and gullible media.

The current scenario just does not make sense. The people who lied through their teeth (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Bremer, Powell, Rumsfeld, et al) and stole tens of billions of dollars that belonged to the country of Iraq, are proudly speaking of creating a new Middle East or conducting booksigning tours for their memoirs. The results of their lies led to the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis; a cost of about a trillion dollars so far to the U.S. public; and the destruction of a country's culture and infrastructure. Even the history of Iraq has been re-written by people in Washington D.C.

On the other hand, the guy with the moustache who told the truth about all the lies and adhered to the U.N. request for inspections, as well as supplied a 12,000-page report that documented in detail every aspect of Iraq's former WMD programs, sits in a jail cell awaiting execution. Something is fundamentally wrong when things can get so far out of hand.

Today, Saddam Hussein is the freest man in Iraq, although he is behind bars. His mind is clear and his integrity is nothing short of incredible. He awaits death with dignity. Not once has he cracked under torture or pressure. Even when offered a "get out of jail free" card by the U.S. if he stopped the resistance, Saddam refused to capitulate.

Other leaders, such as Ghadaffi and Noriega did succumb to U.S. pressure. Ghadaffi, once a revolutionary, today is nothing more than the head inspector of the transfer of his country's oil to the capitalist giants. He no longer has a grand view of society. He may not be in jail, but he is a slave.

Noriega quickly began singing when the U.S. put on the pressure. He admitted to trafficking in drugs, despite the U.S. being his partner. And, he made a big deal of stating that he had found Jesus after he was incarcerated. He is a slave behind bars.

Saddam Hussein is not a slave, although his incarceration keeps him imprisoned. He is not allowed to see his family, unless, like his sons and grandson, they are shot to death with hundreds of bullets. The U.S. prides itself on "family values," but not for foreign individuals. A U.S. family is sacred, but an Iraqi family is merely cannon fodder.

On January 17, 1991, Saddam Hussein proclaimed to the world, "The mother of all battles has just begun." Despite two U.S. presidents declaring victory over Iraq with a New York parade and a U.S. aircraft carrier celebration, the mother of all battles now roars more fiercely than ever.

In about three weeks, it will be the 16th anniversary of the beginning of the bombing of Iraq. Despite U.S. denials and proclamations, the battle still rages. The bombing did not stop with the signing of a cease-fire agreement on March 2, 1991. It continued until March 2003 from the illegal "no-fly" zones the U.S. created.

Soon, Saddam Hussein will be hanged. He will be dead, but his legacy will not only survive him, it will be enhanced. The mother of all battles is a long way from being terminated.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

so jerry's dead...

jerry ford , tricky dick nixon , george hw poppy bush , ronnie reagan , jimmy carter

so jerry ford is dead --like when reagan died , i say good riddance .--but unfortunately , this guy DEFINITELY carried serious secrets to the grave with him .

never a towering intellect , young jerry did have an admirable work ethic . he was a pretty good athlete at the university of michigan and reportedly turned down chances in college to play pro football for green bay and detroit , opting instead to earn a law degree at yale --the home of skull and bones btw --he then served in the navy during world war two and after the war launched a career that led to politics in 1948 .

as a michigan congressman , ford eventually reached the position of minority party leader in the house of representatives in 1963 and after the assassination of jfk in november of that same year , he was appointed by lbj as a member of the warren commission investigating kennedy's assassination .

at wikipedia we found this concerning gerald ford and the warren commission :

"The last surviving member of the Warren Commission, Gerald Ford, died on December 26, 2006.

According to Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (1989), at pp. 466-67: many Kennedy assassination researchers consider Gerald Ford to have been the FBI’s 'spy ' on the Warren Commission. This was confirmed by a memo from Cartha DeLoach, a close aide to FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, in which DeLoach noted:

' I had a long talk this morning [December 12, 1963] with Congressman Gerald R. ‘Jerry’ Ford . . . He asked that I come up and see him . . . Ford indicated that he would keep me thoroughly advised as to the activities of the Commission. He stated this would have to be on a confidential basis, however, he thought it should be done. He also asked if he could call me from time to time and straighten out questions in his mind concerning our investigation. I told him by all means he should do this. He reiterated that our relationship would, of course, remain confidential. '

Marrs quotes former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, the only prosecutor to bring criminal charges related to the Kennedy assassination and the subject of director Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK: ' Ford [also] enjoyed the reputation of being the CIA’s best friend in the House of Representatives. '

According to Marrs: ' Ford’s name as a member of the Warren Commission was recommended to President Johnson by Richard Nixon. A World War II Navy veteran, Ford became the Commission’s most industrious member, hearing seventy out of the ninety-four witnesses who actually met with commissioners. '

Marrs reports that Ford ' also profited from his time on the Commission. Ford had his first campaign manager and former Nixon for President campaign field director John R. Stiles hired as his special assistant. Ford and Stiles went on to write Portrait of the Assassin, a book that presented selective evidence of Oswald’s guilt. '

Marrs claims that Ford used classified Top Secret Warren Commission material in his book, and that Ford effectively perjured himself about during confirmation hearings for his appointment as Vice President before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1973. Ford apologized and said that he had not attempted to mislead the committee. He was confirmed, sworn in as Vice President, and eventually became the nation's first unelected president. "

for his role in the coverup of the assassination of kennedy , jerry ford was owed a big debt . hale boggs majority leader (and father of future news reporter cokie roberts ), also a member of the commission , later said that the whole thing was crooked . he may have eventually paid for saying that with his life --dying in a mysterious plane crash believed caused when the pilot supposedly deliberately flew into icing conditions .

if we look at who kennedy angered while president , we get an idea of who his killers most likely were and how jerry ford fits in to the mosaic and who he was carrying water for as president .

First , at the top of the list of suspects, we've got the cia , and their anti-castro cubans --they blamed kennedy for their failure at the bay of pigs invasion of cuba .

kennedy his administration , deeply embarrassed by the fiasco of the invasion , publicly took responsibility for the failure --and then quickly fired cia director allen dulles and his main deputies , richard bissell and charles cabel .

kennedy threatened to "smash cia into 1000 pieces and scatter it to the wind" . he wrote an executive directive taking clandestine military operations OUT of cia's hands and placed all such operations--"black ops" --under DIRECT authority and oversite of the joint chiefs of staff --thus under direct military control and as we all know the president of the Us is COMMANDER AND CHIEF of the military .

this was a huge blow to cia --under allen dulles--who was a very close associate of prescott bush btw -- black ops had become cia's special province .

Second on the list of suspects are the cia's partners in crime --the mafia . the kennedy's turned on their father's old organized crime bootlegging business partners AFTER they had helped stuff ballot boxes for jfk in chicago in the election of 1960.

jack appointed his brother bobby as attorney general --bobby unleashed the justice department on the mob despite them also being in bed with cia in the drug smuggling , gunrunning and money laundering businesses and most importantly , the mob was helping cia try to kill castro after having lost mob casino and gambling interests in cuba as a result of the cuban revolution .

Third on the suspects list were the vietnam warhawks in the pentagon and their defense contractor cronies . they wanted war , not only an invasion of cuba , but war in south vietnam and the opportunity to loot the public treasury as defense contractors like halliburton are doing today as a result of the war in iraq .

vietnam cost taxpayers at lowest estimates , $250 billion dollars--and that's in 1960s-70s dollars that were still pegged at a value of $32 dollars per ounce of gold --not the worthless paper dollars backed by nothing but "faith" that we use today -- printed day and night , hand over fist by the privately owned "federal" reserve banks . today's ny gold fix was at about $626.90 per ounce...$250,000,000,000 in 1960's dollars , would be close to $5,000,000,000,000-- $5 trillion in today's terms . shortly before he died , kennedy signed an order later reversed by lyndon johnson that would have brought home 1000 american advisors from south vietnam followed by ALL american troops out by 1965--in 1965 after an american FABRICATED attack on american ships called the gulf of tonkin incident --president johnson used the FABRICATED attack on americans as excuse to massively escalate and eventually commit 500,000 troops to the vietnam war--just as bush would use a FABRICATED attack on 9-11 to launch and massively escalate a PHONEY war on terror.

Fourth on the murder suspects list-- the eastern wallstreet bankers running the federal reserve whom kennedy angered by issuing silver certificates --money actually backed by silver --the last president to do so --nixon as president would later take the dollar completely off of the gold standard --allowing the privately owned banks of the 'federal reserve' to run the printing presses day and night --issuing worthless paper money --helping destroy the Us industrial-manufacturing base --watering down the Us standard of living --under nixon the us continues and accelerates the policy that allows the already rich fat cats taxbreaks for relocating factories and high paying manufacturing jobs overseas --beginning the loss of Us manufacturing base-- "nixonomics" helps lay the groundwork for the highly speculative casino capitalism of the reagan 80's-- "reaganomics" --particularly impoverishing the Us middle class --but "reaganomics" was preceded by "ford-onomics"--the vetoing by "president" gerald ford of social welfare spending bills designed to alleviate suffering of the poor--the "great society" anti-poverty programs of the 60's because ford viewed these programs as "too costly" --but strange these 'fiscal conservatives' never seem to find war too costly---

-it was under nixon that the Us negotiated the secret deal in which in return for the Us helping them stay in power , the saudi crown princes stipulated that they would only sell oil to the world in Us dollars --dollars no longer backed by gold but instead artificially bolstered by being connected to the world's demand for oil

Fifth on the list --kennedy also angered the oil-garchs of texas and new york --"new york" meaning the rockefellers-- by threatening to cut the oil depletion allowance . it was , if memory's correct , a 27% tax break to oil millionaires and oil billionaires because , as the reasoning goes --every barrel of oil they pump out of the ground leaves one less barrel of profit available for the oil-garchs in the future --so they need a big tax write-off from the rest of us taxpayers to insure that they will continue to have the same rate of profit in the future that the oil-garchs have grown accustomed to while they go out and look for new sources of oil and continue to make obscene profits .

the kennedy brothers angered all of these powerful groups --and ALL at the same time --and paid for it with both their lives and the kennedy family continues to pay for it as recently as 1999 with the death of john kennedy jr , in a plane that crashed for NO logical reason --see john hankey's amazing , jaw dropping , eye-opening videoes "jfkII --the bush connection to the kennedy assassination " and "the assassination of jfk jr. " both videoes are embedded on this deskRat chronicles blog site .

but back to jerry . in 1973 ford was appointed vice president by nixon after nixon's running mate and vice president spiro t . agnew resigned and plea bargained "no lo contendre" --no contest --when faced with prison . in other words ,vice president agnew said "i'm not going to contest these bribery and tax evasion charges against me -- and i'll take a deal to avoid doing hard time ."

as ford was being confirmed vice president by congress , nixon was already being consumed by watergate --the break-in burglary scandal almost entirely based on nixon's lying , perjury , and illegal efforts to prevent an investigation into the nixon-men's burglary and bugging of the democratic national committee offices --an investigation that nixon feared could lead to the uncovering of "the whole bay of pigs affair"-- words nixon's staff member bob haldeman revealed were nixon's private code term for the kennedy assassination .

to keep from being impeached and tried , nixon is forced to resign about 10 months after ford's appointment to the vice presidency and jerry becomes both the first non-elected vice president as well as the first non-elected president in Us history. --a historic indivdual indeed !

just a brief look at president jerry ford's cabinet and we see young future neo-cons dick cheney as ford's chief of staff and donald rumsfeld as ford's defense secretary .

we also see henry kissinger as ford's national security advisor and secretary of state--a holdover from nixon's rockefeller connections -- and what else do we see ?


why , it's george herbert walker bush !

george hw bush , the son of prescott.

the same prescott who backed richard nixon's political career and led nixon to congress and then led nixon to the vice presidency and after jack and bobby kennedy's murders , eventually led nixon to the presidency .

the same prescott bush who was skull and bones "brother under the skin" with robert lovett--also known as "the architect of the cia" . prescott , who was skull and bones brother under the skin with the man in charge of recruitment for cia .

prescott ,who with future cia director under reagan william casey and prescott's son george hw opposed john kennedy's attempts to smash and scatter cia .

the same george hw whose zapata off-shore oil company was conveniently "drilling" for oil only 30 miles away from cuba in the exact same area cia was using as staging grounds for its covert attacks and bay of pigs invasion of cuba . the same george hw bush who publicly chided kennedy to "muster the courage" to try another invasion against castro .

but back momentarily to prescott, who for decades was on first name buddy-buddy basis with allen dulles director of cia--architect of bay of pigs and were old cronies from the old "hitler project" days back when the dulles brothers and prescott and the harriman brothers--business partners and in-laws of the rockefellers --all financially bankrolled and helped put adolph in power in germany--and of course made a fortune in the process--especially in the defense contracts when the war hitler promised to deliver broke out --but that's another story--or is it merely a connected chapter of a long long bloody and murderous saga ?

but anyway , first it's george hw bush , as jerry ford's ambassador to china in 1974 and then SUDDENLY , it's bush as ford's cia director in 75--surprisingly put in as director at cia--supposedly with no previous cia experience --- just in the nick of time to refuse to cooperate with those nasty house committee on assassinations investigations that were taking place and seriously questioning the cia's role in the assassinations of john f kennedy , martin luther king , and robert f kennedy --what a coincidence !!!

especially since george hw bush's name-- "george bush of the cia" --SOMEHOW , is on a memo from j edgar hoover written nov 29, 1963 titled "the assassination of john f kennedy"--and says that the day after john kennedy's murder , j edgar hoover personally "briefed george bush of the cia and captain william edwards of the defense intelligence agency on the possibility of the involvement of misguided anti-castro cubans in the murder of president kennedy" . and to this day george hw bush can't remember exactly where he was the day jfk was murdered , but thinks he may have been in texas somewhere .

whew ! jerry and george got there just in time to PRESERVE THE WARREN COMMISSION VERSION of oswald--a lousy shooter in the marine corps -- as the lone gun killer pulling off an almost miraculous feat of marksmanship that day in dallas in nov 63--a feat that the fbi's best experts could not duplicate--though they heartily tried ! --

it's strangely almost like that "miraculous feat" of flying pulled off by the 9-11 hijackers --though ALL their flight instructors said in interviews to the ny times and washington post that they were ALL lousy pilots and even said that two of the 19 hijackers were so bad they shouldn't have been allowed to drive a car, least of all fly airplanes !!!

but back to ford --as we look back on the cabinet of 'president' jerry ford , we also see nelson rockefeller as his vice president . nelson rockefeller of the standard oil ,now exxon rockefellers --a family of billionaire oil-garchs fat off an oil depletion allowance if ever there was one .

it went sort of like this : kissinger-- a rockefeller family minion had brought in to the nixon administration as his military advisor 'general' al haig .

aug 8 , 1974 ford assumes presidency .

aug 20 , he nominates rockefeller as his vice pres .

sept 9 ,1974 he pardons nixon for ANY crimes he may have committed as president .

--the nixon resignation and pardon --clearing ford's path to the presidency -- was believed arranged by "general" al haig .

al haig may be one of those guys that no one knows exactly how he became a general.

his bio says he was born in 1924 and dreamt from childhood about being a soldier--yet at age 20 after two years at notre dame , he enrolls in west point --think about it ? --it's 1944 --the Us is at war --jerry ford , richard nixon , john kennedy george hw bush --even henry kissinger who wasn't even born in america , are ALL serving in the Us military --yet according to his official bio , al haig who from childhood dreamt of being a soldier --is 20 years old but not in the military ? something 's sounds rotten in the cotton .

haig then spends the next three years at west point serves in korea leads a batallion in vietnam . he rises like a meteor up the military ladder to 4 star general and commander of nato forces--at least that's what the official bio says...

the late colonel fletcher prouty--a REAL colonel worked as military liaison between the pentagon and cia --he was played by donald southerland in oliver stone's movie jfk --prouty said that the cia had so thoroughly infiltrated the Us government the media the business world and the military that there were guys walking around in uniform with general's insignia who never served a day--their records were kept in false files and cia paid their salary by secretly reimbursing the military for any funds paid out to these cia generals --to illustrate his point , prouty related an incident when the ranking head of the airforce called him up one day and complained that he did not know several of the men on the list that he was being required to promote to general--and that no one he knew knew of these men or could recall ever having served with them --prouty nicknamed these men the 'secret team' one day they hold military credentials the next day they hold diplomatic credentials or they are a banker at a mega-corporation or a senior editor at the network evening news . he hinted that a high profile 'general' that most americans have heard of who also later served as high ranking Us diplomat was one of these "cia generals".

" Haig moved into the spotlight and controversy when President Nixon promoted him over some 240 more senior officers to be a four-star general and the Army's vice-chief of staff. Nixon's action to push Haig into the military's front rank was consonant with the effort to get the ' President's men ' into positions of authority in various federal agencies. However, he was soon to return to the White House, serving as special assistant to the president in 1973-1974. In the months after the Watergate break-in, Haig, once termed ' the ultimate professional, ' played a vital role for a beleaguered President Nixon. It is not coincidental that Haig was instrumental in the negotiations leading to Nixon's resignation in August 1974 and to Gerald Ford's accession to the presidency. Soon afterwards, Haig was named commander-in-chief, United States European Command, and supreme allied commander. He spent the next five years at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ",

daniel schor on npr today-- just moments ago --as i was typing this post-- said that when gerald ford assumed the vice presidency that nixon told ford that john connally would receive nixon's support for president at the end of the term and not ford --this is a bombshell if you have seen john hankey's video "jfkII --the bush connection to the kennedy assassination" because hankey devotes the time to explore WHY nixon --a republican --brought john connally --former democratic goveror of texas into his cabinet when nixon became president

john connally

--from wikipedia:

"Republican President Richard Nixon appointed Connally, a Democrat, as United States Secretary of the Treasury in 1971. That year he famously told a delegation of Europeans worried about exchange rate fluctuations that the dollar is 'our currency, but your problem.' [1] He served as secretary until 1972.

In 1973, when Lyndon Baines Johnson died, Connally took part in eulogizing his old friend during burial services, along with the minister who officiated the services, Rev. Billy Graham. Millions around the world viewed Connally's eulogy as the most famous moment of the four days that marked the death and state funeral of LBJ, because it was a reminder that he was wounded in the assassination that made his mentor and fellow Texan president.

Later in 1973, he joined the Republican party. When Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned that same year, Connally was one of Richard Nixon's top choices for vice president. However, Nixon ultimately chose Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr., the House Minority Leader from Michigan, probably because he knew that the moderate Ford could be easily confirmed by both houses of Congress whereas Connally would run into liberal Democratic opposition."

according to hankey everybody on nixon's staff was "flabbergasted" as to why he brought connally on board as part of his cabinet .

connally once an aide to congressman lyndon johnson , was the one who lured jfk to texas nov 63 , held his hand as he led kennedy into the kill zone and even took bullets himself by sitting in the seat in front of kennedy in the limo that day .

connally told one story while in the hospital about what he saw during the assassination and told another story later testifying before assassination investigators --watch the video and see for your self ---

hankey quoting nixon's staffer bob haldeman also says that it WAS john connally who INSISTED that george hw bush be given a white house job before him --even though it is now common knowledge connally despised george hw bush--is it in part because of the bullet wounds connally took from shooters bush and e howard hunt were helping supervise in dallas that day?

according to hankey's research , it was bush who then brought his co-worker , cia assassin , bay of pigs supervisor , soon to be WATERGATE BURGLAR-- e howard hunt into the nixon whitehouse .

hankey asserts that nixon paid hunt $2 million dollars to keep hunt quiet after hunt went to jail for watergate --well nixon didn't actually pay hunt himself--he merely authorized the payments --hankey says the money came from bill liedke--george herbert walker bush's oldest business partner in zapata offshore oil --the same bill liedke who stepped aside and let bush have sole ownership of zapata when cia needed bush's oil platforms and island locations 30 miles from cuba for drug smuggling , listening posts into latin america and as staging areas for the bay of pigs invasion .

what we see today in these "tributes" to jerry ford are continuations of 'national security ' state cover ups at the highest levels that stem from the successful coup d'etat that took place in november 63 -- jerry ford said he pardoned nixon because the nation could not be governed with nixon being dragged from courtroom to courtroom on national tv --you damm right-- because nixon would HAVE to be silenced else he tell on his co-conspirators in the assassination of john kennedy--co-conspirators still today occupying public office and members of families comprising the "who's who" of america --co-conspirators still busy at work putting dictators into power and then going to war against those same dictators--in the name of "spreading democracy" and /or FABRICATING false flag attacks against the Us in order to go to war against "terrorists" and in the process , looting the public treasury with lucrative defense contracts.

as marine corp general smedley butler would say , the same man who went up against these same families back in the 30's when they tried and failed to recruit him to lead the fascist Us coup d'etat plot known as the "wallstreet putsch" --a plot whose goal was to install a government in the Us modeled on the fascist governments of 1930's europe , and in the process curtail Us freedoms --he would say , "war is a racket".

'president' jerry ford who died yesterday , served for years in congress on defense appropriations sub committes , served on the warren commission , served as the pardon man to blatant murdering criminals nazis and fascists , was coverup man and pardon man for the unpardonable and served most of all as water carrier for those "who's who" families and their sordid war racket .

no , the insanity knows no limits -- so we took this quiz --which action star are you ?

"the name's sekou ...d sekou... hey what can i say --i'm a cool type cat--say hello to my little friend..."

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

now offering relationship advice--does the insanity know no limits?

at this blog called "zaneland"

a woman wrote in to ask for advice saying that although she could attain orgasm alone , she felt too self conscious to relax enough with her partner to attain satisfaction with him .

so i responded ...

ok , does that mean we are now dr. deskRat ? maybe oprah can stop beating our arse at kickboxing long enough to help us get a show like she did dr phil ?

anyway , here's the response :

"seems i'm always late to add my two cents of advice on these topics .

poor baby,

maybe you just need to intimately relax with your partner without any sexual activity?

meditate together in a back to back position --it will bring you closer together in spirit --which is always a good start .

then try massage --as in getting your partner to massage you --you massaging him --you covered if necessary , until you feel comfortable being touched and unclothed around your partner.

when you are SURE that you feel comfortable around your partner sans clothing and being touched by him , THEN experiment with cuddling and gently exploring each other's bodies --still with no pressure of sex --just 'getting to know you' -exploration until you both feel comfortable , familiar and secure touching each other's bodies .

when you can successfully do that try adding caressing and kissing any area of the body that either of you wishes --but still without the pressure of it having to end in sex .

when YOU are sure that you feel comfortable , naked and close and touching your partner , let him kiss and caress you until you feel aroused to the point where YOU want sex .

then , aroused , facing away from him with lights turned low , or with lights out if necessary , let him quietly hold you in his arms while you stimulate yourself to orgasm . this is a goal you gradually build to --if you can't relax enough to release while he's there do it until you get as close as you can --then excuse yourself , go finish , return and let him hold you in the afterglow.

continue 'practicing' until you feel comfortable have orgasms in his arms . after you cum , he still just holds you --if that is what you want .

when you can do this several times in a row and feel totally comfortable having orgasms while he holds you , you two will be ready for the next step .

let him hold you while HE does the touching and you do the directing . you tell him exactly how you enjoy being touched and he does the touching .

when he can stimulate you to orgasm repeatedly , without you having to say a single word , HE KNOWS YOUR SPIRIT AND HE KNOWS YOUR BODY and you two are ready for the next step .

now you two are tuned into each other in spirit and totally comfortable with and around each others bodies.

in your mind , AND THIS IS CRUCIAL , you FIRMLY associate him and his body with YOUR pleasure .

begin with the previous steps all the way up to him stimulating you to orgasm with his touch .
when your body is warmed up , so to speak , and you've had an orgasm or two just to take the edge off , THEN you can shift to him penetrating you with his penis ... even if it's just him on his back holding perfectly still , with you on top , allowing you to stimulate youself to orgasm by rotating your hips using him as your stationary vibrator --until you have built a habit of being able to orgasm from him being inside you .
when that happens --you two are home free . the sky's the limit...

enjoy...and feel free to name your first born after me

--just kidding of course about naming your kid after me"

Monday, December 25, 2006

"please , please , please" --say it ain't so

james brown is gone..."i'm a man , i'm a man --i'm the son of a man..."--"the big pay back"-- james brown

Papa don`t take no mess
Papa is the man who can understand
How a man has to do
Whatever he can

He don`t take no mess

Now Papa might grin
Drink a little taste of gin
Bet his last ten on
A little game of skins,

Papa digs the chick
If she look real slick
Papa rap is very quick
He defintely ain`t no trick

Papa don`t take no mess
Papa is the man
Who will take a stand
Papa don`t take no mess

Papa didn`t cuss
He didn`t raise a whole lotta fuss
But when we did wrong
Papa beat the hell out of us

I saw Papa cry when he
Thought that I would die
He says something was in his eye
I knew it was a lie
Papa loves his son

Mama said Papa`s smart
Papa got a whole lotta heart
And Papa would do his part
When the game get hard,

Papa don`t, Papa don`t
Papa don`t, Papa don`t
Papa don`t take no mess
Papa don`t take NO mess

Sunday, December 24, 2006

maybe the boy's been out in the sun too long ?

because these boys ain't playing...

Friday, December 15, 2006

kpfa-- 9-11 and american empire--intellectuals speak out --sept 24, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

lessons learned repeatedly become who we are --part 3

in jfkii , john hankey asks the important question of why would prescott bush allow his own son george hw bush to get so involved in the kennedy assassination that his name shows up in a memo written by j edgar hoover --the most influential figure in the history of american law enforcement --a memo titled the assassination of john f. kennedy ?

hankey concludes that it was necessary for george hw bush to incriminate himself in the kennedy kill so deeply that the big rats at the table --the oil-garchs , war profiteers and banking criminals hiding their own secrets of murder and support for the Us nazi-mafioso clique who planned and won world war two , would know that he could be trusted never to rat out and reveal what he knew of the crimes of that Us nazi clique who chose not to slink away into the woodwork , and chose NOT to hide after the defeat of their employee adolph hitler .

hankey says that it was like an initiation--a follow-up from skull and bones , but this time , into the really big leagues of global crime .

hankey repeatedly states that after dallas 63 , george hw bush was a "made man" --no matter how he failed , the dirty money boys network picked him back up each time he fell.

he ran for the senate and lost in 64 --they created a special republican district for bush to be congressman of .

he ran and lost again for senate 6 years later and was given a job in the whitehouse by nixon --prescott's political employee--the same richard nixon who as a world war-2 naval lieutenant , had the job of unraveling the interlocking connections between america's military-industrial complex and nazi germany's .

Lt.Cmdr richard nixon -1945

nixon knew the bushes , the fords , the harrimans , the rockefellers , the du ponts the , the eastman kodak family fortune , the rj reynolds /duke tobacco family fortune , the hanes underwear family fortune , the singer sewing machine family fortune, the farrishes , drapers , the greys , etc , etc , etc ,--the names go on and on -- the "who's who" of corporate america were ALL eugenicist , hitler-supporting nazis. 1946-prescott bush and his young protege--richard nixon

nixon knew they were nazis and agreed to silently serve them as congressman nixon , vice president nixon , and finally president nixon. president eisenhower and his vice president nixon

bush ran against reagan for the 1980 republican nomination and lost --but was "made" vice president and in a role very similar to young nixon --for 8 years ran the day to day operations of the government for a "tired" older president.

nixon's own career --he lost the election of 1960 to john kennedy and again lost in 62 when he ran for governor of california--was by most normal political standards, dead in the water-- it should have been over for tricky dick after those losses--yet in 68 , after a series of political assassinations--including both bobby kennedy and martin luther king in that same year --a resurrected nixon wins the presidency . it's almost like some unseen hand was clearing the playing field for nixon.

the same nixon who was in dallas the night before and morning of jfk's murder --the same nixon who along with j edgar hoover had dinner the night before the jfk kill at the home of right wing dallas oil millionaire clint murchinson --along with a guest that a servant reportedly identified as george herbert walker bush and another surprise special guest arriving very late at the house , that the servant reportedly identified as-- soon to be president --lyndon baines johnson.

so nixon's reward for his part in the kill was the presidency.

as vice president under eisenhower , it was reported by insiders that he "practically ran the cia"-- he was so into planning special ops . if memory serves correctly , the same source reported that around jan 1 , 1955 nixon was present at a meeting where the finishing touches were put on the plans for the assassination of the president of panama--the next day the panamanian leader was machine-gunned to death .

nixon , who had won the presidential election of 68 by promising to have a "secret plan" to end the vietnam war , once in office , dramatically escalated the bombing of north vietnam ,and invaded cambodia -- he and henry kissinger--a rockefeller minion-- overthrew neighboring cambodia's prince sihanouk for being "too soft on communism" . they installed in his place , the Us puppet government of general lon nol, setting into motion the khemer rouge insurgency that led to the infamous "killing fields" and the slaughter of 2 million cambodians .

nixon --who took the Us dollar off the gold standard--allowing federal reserve bankers to print unbacked paper money like mad to finance the $250 billion spent on the war in southeast asia . at the time , 32 Us dollars would buy an ounce of gold . today it takes about $630 .

it is under nixon and the vietnam war inflation that the Us economy began the major unravelling and downwardly spiral that ravaged the middle class and continues to this day as a direct result of the beginning of the loss of the Us industrial base .

the reclocation of Us factories overseas in search of child labor , penny wages and no required employer-paid health , medical or retirement benefits begins in earnest during this era --under the guise of national security--because giving rich american industrialists government tax-breaks for relocating their factories overseas in places like thailand , south korea , taiwan --and in the process, taking industrial jobs out of america --was viewed as patriotic --viewed as bolstering the economies of our allies in the cold war.

under nixon , the rape of the Us middleclass begins in earnest as the oil companies take advantage of the first arab oil embargo around 1974 to squeeze record , windfall profits out of american consumers at the gaspumps and blame it the arabs.

in 1967 israel had won a devastating victory over egypt , syria , and jordan through a pearl harbor type sneak attack against the arabs as Un emergency peace talks were about to begin .

the israelis' defense minister moshe dyan , later admitted the egyptian troops in sinai were no real threat to israel .

israel provoked the syrians by crossing into syrian territory drawing syrian fire --then the israelis claimed syria had attacked , not israeli soldiers on the syrian side of the border , but instead "peaceful israeli farmers plowing their field's" --the usual zionist provocation crap --picking a fight against people they know they can beat--then claiming themselves to be the victims .

the israelis whined and complained and dragged up memories of the holocaust and then launched a massive sneak attack destroying arab airforces on the ground and won a crushing victory.

in direct violation of Un principles against member nations augmenting their territory by force--the israelis took the sinai peninsula from egypt, east jerusalem from the palestinians and the golan heights from syria and shabba farms from lebanon/syria .

in 1973 the egyptians under anwar sadat launched a sneak attack of their own , known as the yom kippur war . the israelis were on the verge of total defeat when golda meir and moshe dyan issued an ultimatum to the Us that israel would use its nukes if the Us did not help them .

the soviets got wind of the israeli threats and said if israel used its nukes , the soviet union would be forced to militarily intervene--the Us and soviets could have ended up going head to head with nuclear weapons --over the israelis.

nixon told the izzies to stand down on the nukes --the Us began a massive resupply of tanks planes and weapons to replace what israel had lost. included in the resupply were new american weapons--depleted uranium shells.

the resupplied izzies with du weapons slaughter the egyptians and syrians. the izzies launch an amphibious invasion across the red sea into egypt , trapping the egyptian army in sinai --a brilliant move forcing the egyptians to choose between saving cairo or their army in sinai.

the american help and izzie counter-attack forces egypt to the peace table , but the arab world knows full well that until the Us stepped in, they had finally had the izzies beaten .

as a result , the arabs launch an oil embargo against the Us . gasoline prices soar , but curiously , it is the Us oil-garchs that make the record windfall profits.

the late fletcher prouty called the 74 oil embargo the largest transfer of wealth in modern history. the money flowed out of the pockets of the Us middle class and directly into the pockets of the Us oil-garchs .

the middle class -- once well off and prosperous due in significant part to a highly organized Us labor movement that in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, took on and TEMPORARILY defeated the plutocratic social darwinist and eugenicist oligarchs , the war profiteer industrialists ,the big bankers , the coal, oil , steel and railroad robber barons--forcing the wealthy to pay industrial workers a livable wage--enabling millions of americans to pull themselves up from poverty and into the middle class-- the Us middle class got squeezed like an orange ,or a mango at a "jamba juice" outlet--but it was just the beginning .

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

nov-2006 lecture by john hankey producer of "jfkII--the bush connection to the jfk assassination" & producer of "the assassination of jfk jr."

according to john hankey , apparently prescott bush , father of george herbert walker bush , helped allen dulles with the planning of the bay of pigs invasion--this supports hankey's evidence in jfkII that ghw bush--prescott's son -- was in fact in cia working with cia assassin e howard hunt as a supervisor of anti-castro cubans using the younger bush's zapata off shore oil platforms located 30 miles from cuba as a staging ground for the invasion . hankey asserts that ghw bush also acted with hunt as supervisor of the anti-castro cubans that took part in the jfk assassination in dallas 1963--thus the inclusion of the name "george bush of the cia" in a memo from fbi director j edgar hoover titled "the assassination of john f. kennedy" days after the murder...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

forget hillary... forget obama --cynthia mckinney for president ....

cynthia mckinney --the only member of congress who had the courage to do what's right-- forget hillary--the corrupt insider--forget obama--he favors attacking iran

Congresswoman McKinney Files Articles of Impeachment
By Matt Pascarella

Friday 08 December 2006

On Monday, gathering in a conference room in Washington, DC, Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and her advisors worked on a draft copy of articles of impeachment against President Bush.

At the heart of the charges contained in McKinney's articles of impeachment is the allegation that President Bush has not upheld the oath of presidential office and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article I states that President Bush has failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Specifically cited in this article is the charge that Bush has manipulated intelligence and lied to justify war: "George Walker Bush … in preparing the invasion of Iraq, did withhold intelligence from the Congress, by refusing to provide Congress with the full intelligence picture that he was being given, by redacting information … and actively manipulating the intelligence on Iraq's alleged weapons programs by pressuring the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies."

This manipulation of intelligence was done, the charge continues, "with the intent to misinform the people and their representatives in Congress in order to gain their support for invading Iraq, denying both the people and their representatives in Congress the right to make an informed choice."

Article II, "Abuse of office and of executive privilege," states that President Bush has disregarded his oath of office by "obstructing and hindering the work of Congressional investigative bodies and by seeking to expand the scope of the powers of his office." The president has "failed to take responsibility for, investigate or discipline those responsible for an ongoing pattern of negligence, incompetence and malfeasance to the detriment of the American people."

This article continues by indicting Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in their actions to manipulate or "fix" intelligence and mislead the public about Iraq's weapons programs. Ultimately, this article calls not only for Bush's impeachment and removal from office but also asks the same actions to be taken against Cheney and Rice.

Article III states that President Bush has failed to "ensure the laws are faithfully executed" and that he has "violated the letter and spirit of laws and rules of criminal procedure used by civilian and military courts, and has violated or ignored regulatory codes and practices that carry out the law."

Specifically, McKinney cites illegal domestic spying as a result of failing to obtain warrants thereby subverting Congress and the judiciary in the process: "… by circumventing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act courts established by Congress, whose express purpose is to check such abuses of executive power, provoking the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to file a complaint and another judge to resign in protest, the said program having been subsequently ruled illegal; he has also concealed the existence of this unlawful program of spying on American citizens from the people and all but a few of their representatives in Congress, even resorting to outright public deceit."

The article continues by citing public statements Bush has made that were blatantly contradictory to his policy and actions regarding domestic spying.

While the staff was editing the document, one advisor told me, "As we sat down and worked on this, a pattern became very clear … a pattern to specifically undermine the Constitution and establish a unitary presidency."

The charges addressed in McKinney's resolution are nothing revelatory or new. Rather, they are issues which have been in the public eye for quite some time and have increasingly been covered in the media over the last year.

Despite winning the Congressional majority, the Democrats have yet to put forth a plan to investigate what have become somewhat ubiquitous allegations.

Speaker-Elect and Congresswoman Pelosi dismissed any possibility of impeachment, saying it is "off the table" and that it is "a waste of time … making them lame-ducks is good enough for me," although, in the November election, 60 percent of the voters in her own district cast ballots in favor of Proposition J, a measure calling for the impeachment of President Bush.

In 2005, Congressman John Conyers sponsored a resolution, HR 365, to create a special committee to investigate allegations against the Bush administration - a move that would likely lead to the discovery of impeachable offenses. This resolution was passed to the House Committee on Rules and was never brought up for a vote.

At that time it was widely believed that if the Democrats took control of Congress, Conyers would reintroduce the resolution since he would have subpoena power if selected as leader of the House Judiciary Committee.

A few days after the Democrats won control, Conyers echoed Pelosi's statement, saying, "I am in total agreement with her on this issue … impeachment is off the table." Last week, a spokesperson from Conyers's office said that the resolution would not be reintroduced and that the congressman had no intention to pursue the matter.

Will other members of Congress support the action Congresswoman McKinney has brought forth?

At the table in what could be considered her impeachment "war room," the question is brought up a number of times.

Mike, an advisor to McKinney, mentions, "Conyers was supposed to have investigations. They were chomping at the bit 6 months ago to do subpoenas."

McKinney quietly replies, "Now they say they aren't even going to issue subpoenas."

Looking up from her papers, she takes a deep breath, "I'm going in alone on this one because now it is all about them playing majority politics."

This is McKinney's last week as a member of Congress and this act, to impeach the president, is the final resolution she will enter into the Congressional record.

For those who know anything about Cynthia McKinney, it may come as no surprise that she would file this resolution as her parting gift to Congress.

McKinney is no stranger to being attacked by the media and has been isolated from her own party.

From her inquiries into election fraud in 2000 to her calls for a transparent and thorough investigation into 9/11, not to mention the widely covered run-in she had with the Capitol Hill Police, the congresswoman is aware that this resolution will likely be ignored and that she will be ruthlessly attacked upon its filing.

"What do you think they are going to do to me this time?" she asks her staff. Everyone uncomfortably shifts in their seats, and after no answer comes, McKinney explains: "We have to do this because this is simply the right thing to do. The American people do want to hold this man and his office accountable for the crimes they have committed, and if no member of Congress is willing to do it, than I will."

It is questionable as to how effective this move could be in gaining support because of her reputation as a firebrand congresswoman and because, ultimately, she is on her way out of office.

The congresswoman and her staff realize this, but hope that by filing the articles of impeachment it will, at the very least, open up a discussion on whether or not President Bush and key members of his administration have committed impeachable offenses and whether our officials should be held to account.

"My duty as a member of Congress is merely to uphold and preserve the Constitution and to represent the will of my constituency. Ultimately, it isn't up to me or any other member of Congress - it is up to the American people to decide."

Matt Pascarella is a freelance journalist & producer who was present during the drafting of the Articles of Impeachment that Congresswoman McKinney filed today.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

baker commission calls for Us "redeployment" from iraq -- meanwhile in afghanistan -- the other collapsing front...

SPIEGEL ONLINE - December 4, 2006, 12:34 PM
The Taliban Gets Closer to Kabul

A report from the German military, the Bundeswehr, warns that the Taliban is approaching Kabul and that attacks on the capital city are likely to increase. Security in nearby districts is already deteriorating.

A snowy mountain pass in Afghanistan: The Taliban says it will focus its attacks a the country's biggest cities this winter, including Kabul.

A snowy mountain pass in Afghanistan: The Taliban says it will focus its attacks a the country's biggest cities this winter, including Kabul.
The regeneration of the Taliban -- which has retaken control of parts of southern Afghanistan -- is no longer fresh news to anyone. But are the insurgent forces preparing to launch a series of attacks on the capital city of Kabul, which is home to peacekeeping troops, the Afghan government and non-government organizations that are helping to rebuild the war-torn country?

The leadership of Germany's military, the Bundeswehr, fear that Taliban attacks on the Afganistan capital of Kabul will likely increase in the coming months. According to a classified report on the state of Afghanistan obtained by SPIEGEL, "militant opposition forces" have made it clear that they will focus fighting during the winter "on the country's largest cities."

The security situation has already "visibly deteriorated" in two districts located just 10 kilometers from Kabul's city limits -- to the point that Afghan security forces don't even dare to patrol the streets at night. The report warned that Taliban fighters could use the district as "gateways" to Kabul and also as place where they could stage future attacks.

According to the report, Taliban fighters are smuggled into the districts in small "groups of up to eight men," and they often blend in with the population by staying in the homes of local residents for several days at a time.

In a separate development, NATO troops fired on civilians after a suicide car bomb exploded next to their convoy on Sunday. The suicide blast in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, killed two civilians and injured ten outhers, including three British soldiers. NATO spokesman Maj. Luke Knittig said that as the patrol was driving away from the scene they saw a car they feared might contain a second suicide bomber. At least one civilian was killed and nine were injured during the ensuing shooting.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

site of the new bush library--the texas school book depository?

*(click photo for larger image) 9-30-06 the deskRat chronicles --is this man with the unusual hairline , standing at the texas school book depository moments after JFK was fatally shot , none other than george herbert walker bush --the president's daddy ?

is it the same george herbert walker bush who still says he can't remember where he was that fateful day ?

the same ghw bush who says that even though his "zapata oil" company was working about 30 miles north of cuba around the same time as the bay of pigs invasion--cia's bay of pigs invasion was codenamed zapata btw-- and even though ghw bush's father prescott bush, was a close personal associate of not only the man called "the archetict of the cia", but also close personal associates with the cia's director alan dulles , and the cia's head of recruitment-- ghw bush still insists on his cover story that he was never in the cia until he suddenly became director of the agency in the mid 1970s ?

isn't that's sort of like never having been in the army until one day , just out of the blue , despite the fact you have no experience , they decide to make you 4 star general?

from wayne madsen

"November 28, 2006 -- George W. Bush Library and associated "think tank" to be located in Dallas. The contest to host the George W. Bush Presidential Library and an associated think tank is down to Baylor, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Dallas. The final decision is expected by December or January. The library's fund is already drawing large million dollar donations from the Bush family's wealthy cronies.

The choice of Dallas to house the Bush II Library provides a stark reminder of the impact the Bush family has had on U.S. history over the past 45 years, Dallas is also the home of the infamous Texas School Book Depository (TBSD). The founder of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol, David Harold Byrd, owned the TSBD when it was used as one of the snipers nests for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The Louisiana Civil Air Patrol (LCAP) figures prominently in the hit on Kennedy. The LCAP alumni include David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, James R. Bath (George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard pal and fellow AWOL truant as well as Bin Laden family agent), Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and John Liggett.

A WMR reader who is also a JFK assassination expert maintains that Rogers was one of the three tramps in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963. The researcher also claims that CIA operative Chauncey Holt (also one of the three tramps) confirmed that Rogers was one of the tramps.

George W. Bush Presidential Library to be in Dallas -- however, the fitting legacy to Bush Family crimes is the Texas School Book Depository.

Seal was a notorious CIA drug runner who was gunned down with George H. W. Bush's telephone number in the trunk of his car (George deMohrenshildt, Lee Harvey Oswald's Dallas handler upon Oswald's return from the USSR, also had George H. W. Bush's home address and phone number in his personal address book just before his suicide and 1978 Congressional testimony on his knowledge of the JFK assassination). Liggett was a Dallas mortician who was considered the best in face and head reconstruction, and was utilized to alter the true appearance of JFK after the assassination.

And the Bush connections with a Kennedy assassination do not end with November 22, 1963 in Dallas. A recent Guardian report places CIA agent David Morales -- who was posted as the Operations Chief at the CIA's JM/WAVE station and was involved in the CIA's ZF/RIFLE plot to kill Fidel Castro -- at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968. The same Morales that was part of Operation 40 and was in the TSBD according to witnesses in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. The Guardian quotes Morales as saying in 1973, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." Veteran US State Department diplomat Wayne Smith, the former chief US liaison officer in Havana, said Morales told him at a Buenos Aires cocktail party in 1975 that "Kennedy [Bobby] got what was coming to him." Smith said that Morales "hated the Kennedys, blaming their lack of air support for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961."

Morales was part of the CIA's Operation 40, the program that engineered the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. Morales' colleagues included Luis Posada Carriles (who carried out the terrorist bombing of the Barbados-Trinidad-Havana Cubana Flight 455 off the coast of Barbados in 1976) and Orlando Bosch (involved in the 1976 car bombing of former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier and his American colleague on Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Washington's Embassy Row in 1976). Both terrorist acts were signed off and approved by then-CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Another Operation 40 principal was former CIA Director and Florida Representative Porter Goss.

Morales died of a heart attack in 1978, just a few week before testifying before the House Committee on Assassinations.

The George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas will serve as a perception management center that will work in tandem with the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University to hype the "good deeds" of America's most hideous and atrocious family."

Saturday, December 02, 2006

lessons learned repeatedly become who we are ...(continued )

prescott bush--nazi wallstreet investment banker--member of skull and bones --senator from conneticut --father of bay of pigs/kennedy assassination supervisor , cia asset , pedophile son -- grandfather of drunken , coke-head , chicken-hawk, election-stealing , mass-murdering , closeted gay, idiot

w.averell harriman --american nazi and wallstreet financial backer of adolph hitler--employer and fellow "skull and bones" brother of dubya's grand-daddy prescott bush --governor of new york , Us secretary of commerce and Us ambassador cia expanded its role into global narcotics traffick , illegal gambling , money laundering and prostitution , their interests and the mob's naturally entwined into a noose that would garrote both of the kennedy brothers.

*here , delving a little deeper into history is required for deeper understanding .

back then , the cold war was in full stride . it had been the brainchild of the same banking /oil / investments/ munitions manufacturing faction in the Us who had earlier helped to bankroll candidate adolph hitler , assisted him into power in germany and then helped restructure germany's world war one reparation payments .

by restructuring these world war one debt payments , they had freed up enough capital in germany for hitler to rearm his nation and build the army that he would use to make the second world war possible .

hitler's american and british backers put him in power specifically BECAUSE they knew he would go to war (he had said exactly what he intended to do in his book 'mein kampf') and they made billions from the second world war .

although not caught up in the trappings and rituals --the commonly recognized "theater" associated with nazism --the salutes and swastikas , the parades etc etc --they saw hitler's movement as the wave of the future--the bulwark of defense for 'free enterprise' against the insidious march of the 'rising waves of bolshevism and socialism'--signs of 'socialism' which , at that time , were seen by reactionary portions of the western elites as things we now take for granted like labor unions ; the right to collective bargain ; social security ; child labor laws ; universal free education ; health care benefits ; unemployment insurance , and any other forms of worker protection legislation .

mussolini -hitler's ally , had defined fascism as "corporativism"--a condition where the interests of government and corporations become one .

hitler was backed by wealthy right winged german , british and american industrialists --he was seen by them as the defender of their class interests against the THEN ,very real threat of that class losing everything during the global economic catastrophe of the great depression to a mass movement of workers , the unemployed and the poor --a mass movement believed to be inspired and led by socialism --thus the epic battle to the death between hitler's germany and stalin's russia . its a fact that cannot be denied .

the who's who of american industry backed , did business with and believed in hitler --they saw fascism as the global wave of the future.

many of them even even backed the "wallstreet putsch" --the coup d etat against franklin roosevelt and the new deal --a coup planned and backed against democratic government by the rockefellers ; du ponts ; fords ; harrimans ; the singer sewing machine family ; merck --the who's who of american business --including a family of wannabes called "the bushes" --in particular , the sitting president's grandaddy , prescott .

prescott bush , as chief of day to day operations for brown brothers-harriman --a wall street investment house -- handled an investment account set up for hitler and the nazi party by german industrialist fritz thyssen of the german mega heavy-industry corporation , ig farben .

prescott invested the money in the hitler account and secretly funneled the proceeds back to germany . henry ford built trucks for the german army . the singer sewing machine magnate built machine guns for the reich . rockefeller's standard oil --now exxon-- sold germany oil from barges in south america before and during the second world war . what has been mentioned here is only the tip , of the tip of the iceberg .

this trading with germany went on even AFTER germany and the us were at war . it went on to such a degree that franklin roosevelt was intent on trying all of these collabotating americans for treason --including prescott bush who during the war had some of his business interests seized by fbi for trading with the enemy .

it was only because the collaboration of the american wealthy classes with the nazis before and DURING the war was so widespread , so pervasive , that to reveal it to the US public was feared to be a devastating blow to war moral on the home front--president roosevelt-fdr-- was persuaded to wait until the war with germany's nazis was won before trying the Us nazis for treason .

as we know roosevelt never lived long enough to put these Us nazis on trial . fdr --a polio suffer long before being elected to the presidency-- was in poor health and died only weeks before nazi germany surrendered .

after the war and the sudden death of fdr , instead of breathing a sigh of relief , and slinking away quietly with the millions and millions that they made as defense contractors--selling armaments and war materials to the Us government --to fight the nazi boogeyman that THEY had deliberately supported and helped create--these same treasonous Us nazis not only fail to slink quietly away --they make bold moves into public life and into public office.

around 1946 , a young former naval lieutentant named richard nixon decides to run for public office . he eventually is backed in his political aspirations by one prescott bush .

as i understand it , nixon knew where the bodies were buried . he had served during the war as a naval researcher unraveling the secluded and interlocking connections between american corporations and those of nazi germany --in the course of his war time research he had learned which american corporations were in bed with the nazis and supported financially , the third reich --in some cases like the rockefellers , selling to the enemy , oil that fueled blitzkrieg's tanks and aircraft practically the entire war--almost right up until the endgame at the fall of berlin and that single pistol shot deep down in der fuhrer's bunker .

again , from where deskRat sees it , it COMPLETELY defies logic--especially with 50 million dead , much of the the world in smouldering ruins and at the time screaming for war crimes trials against the defeated nazi criminals , as to why these blatant american collaborators with hitler--his defeated regime's direct business partners --in effect hitler's global ENABLERS , instead of slinking away after the war to hide their complicity in the unspeakable crimes the reich committed --instead of hiding --members of hitler's american faction boldly move forward AFTER HIS CRUSHING DEFEAT and INTO american public life.

averell harriman, prescott bush's employer and skull and bones "brother under the skin" , becomes ambassador to england , Us secretary of commerce , governor of new york , under-secretary of state , kennedy's roving ambassador --the chief negotiator to the paris peace negotiations for lyndon johnson and nixon to end the war in vietnam .

prescott bush becomes senator from conneticut and eisenhower's golfing buddy , the dulles brothers --allen and john foster--the lawyer duo who helped restructure germany's world war one debts freeing up the capital hitler needed to build his armies and plunge the entire world into war-- become head of cia and secretary of state for eisenhower.

hell --the dulles brothers are part of the group that went to ike and promised him the financial backing that helped convince eisenhower to run for the presidency after the war .

they also help in the selection of congressman richard nixon --prescott bush's political servant --for eisenhower's vice president--and during ike's second term as president , while eisenhower's health begins to fail-- nixon--prescott's employee-- more and more , ends up practically running the government

the unanswered question , is why did these men --CLEARLY guilty of not only financially supporting hitler--sending him the money he needed --along with large numbers of remmington revolvers and thompson submachine guns --the weapons and cash hitler needed to eventually win the street battles in germany and pay his private army of brown shirts that crushed the opposition groups in the widespread political streetfighting in pre-hitler germany (400 political assassinations ) and assist him into power-- why did these men who restructured germany's debt payments and deliberately ENABLED hitler to build the german war machine that ignited the conflict that killed 50,000,000 people --why did these men who had openly advocated and PLOTTED AND FINANCED what became known as "the wallstreet putsch" , the violent overthrow of president franklin roosevelt and the installation of a fascist styled government in the Us--why did these men who were the OPEN opponents of democratic government and the OPEN friends , business partners , supporters of FASCIST NAZISM and it's MURDEROUS EUGENICIST RACIAL POLICIES -- why did these war criminals and enemies of democracy feel safe enough and free enough AFTER their guilty part in ENABLING the most violent , vicious , deadly and destructive conflict the world had ever seen --to instead of quietly lurking for the rest of their lives like roaches in the wood work --CHOOSE to boldly run for political office --to engage in public life--expose themselves and their pasts to public scruntiny--and in effect , to change the Us from the quiet , sleepy , isolationist democracy that it had been BEFORE the war into the massive , globally interventionist-prone , military-industrial , national security state we see today ?

where was the Us press ? where was the media ? where were the independent researchers ? where were the restless , curious , nosey , amateur information junkies like this blog's editor ?


how did they allow for the next 30 or 40 years these blatant hitler enablers , business partners and collaborators to go unpunished , unnoticed and carry on business as usual unimpeded by their past unspeakable criminality ?

how did these monsters , instead of swinging from the gallows , die in their sleep of old age , or die from a heartattack in bed with some 20 year old bimbo ? it defies all logic .