Saturday, January 13, 2007

bush issues a 'my bad' on iraq and announces the soon to be 'surge'

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Current mood: cynical
Category: News and Politics

this "surge" appears to be targeting for destruction muktada al sadr's militia .
notice how the americans allowed the iraqi government to use al sadr's people to hang sadam and today in the papers the same iraqi government says sadr's militia must surrender or it will be destroyed . interesting seeing the game being played --one side played off against another and then having fufilled its purpose , discarded .

iraq war was lost a long time ago . bush knows it --the surge is not enough to really change the facts on the ground --he's buying time for something else up his sleeve to unfold .

in fact the neo-cons / israeli likudniks have botched this war so badly and broken iraq so far beyond repair that i get the feeling that it may be in part on purpose .

there was an israeli foreign policy paper from a while back that advocated that
the best way deal with the middle east was to fractionate and balkanize the region by supporting and using kurdish nationalism
as a destabilizing factor in turkey , syria , iraq and iran --which is today's case .

also mentioned was using strife between sunni and shia in iraq and among christians and muslims in lebanon to promote civil wars there .

it advocated the use of muslim fundamentalism to promote civil war especially between the palestinians.
as quiet as it is kept the Us backed and used the "international muslim brotherhood" movement in various countries in which it existed , to destabilize the countries --or keep them weak.

the muslim brotherhood assassinated anwar sadat --up until last summer --the only leader in the middle east to successfully prosecute war against israel .

it is also common knowledge that israel put up the original seed money for the creation of hamas as a counterweight to arafat , fatah and the palestinian authority --it is israel and the Us now promoting civil war among the palestinians .

in northern iraq the kurds are allied with israel . israeli special forces train the kurdish
pesh merga militias . israeli mossad are ALL fluent in arabic as well as other ethnic languages in the region and are trained to blend into the cultures of their 'enemies' to operate behind their lines .

mossad operates with almost free hand in 'kurdistan' and
are conducting missions into iran for the purpose of identifying iranian nuclear sites for the air and ground strikes israel is planning .

these are strikes which do NOT rule out the use of low yield mini-nuke bunker buster bombs supplied to israel by the Us to destroy the iranian nuclear energy program .

on the Us side , john negroponte was brought into iraq as Us ambassador after Us governor of iraq , paul bremer was recalled home after fulfilling his mission of successfully changing iraq's laws to undo the baath party's nationalization of iraq's oil --allowing foreign companies the right to buy up and own iraq's oil fields --under the guise of "free markets" .

negroponte takes over as Us ambassador to iraq .before his director of national intelligence stint
and now i believe his new job as undersecretary of state
, negroponte went to yale in early 1960s with porter goss and dubya bush's uncle .

negroponte is doubtless cia and has used his career as diplomat to run covert ops
directly out of the Us state department overseas offices.

as Us ambassador to honduras for reagan , negroponte not only oversaw the turning of that country into
THE major resupply base and staging grounds for the covert , illegal contra terrorist war on nicaragua , --Us military aid went from 5 million to about 100 million while negroponte was ambassador to honduras--but negroponte also orchestrated and
ran cover for activities of the death squads unleashed in honduras and el salvador .

particularly odious was the infamous battalion 316 trained , armed and directed by cia that disappeared hundreds if not thousands of opponents of the Us puppet regime in honduras .

"Honduras was not Negroponte's first introduction to US covert operations and mass killing. He began his climb up the national security establishment ladder as a political affairs officer at the US Embassy in Saigon from 1964 to 1968, a position that often serves as a cover for CIA operatives.

From 1969 to 1971, he was an aide to Henry Kissinger in the Paris negotiations with the Hanoi government, reportedly criticizing Kissinger for making too many concessions to the Vietnamese. From 1971 to 1973, he oversaw operations in Vietnam for the National Security Council, then headed by Kissinger. Thus, for nine years he played a direct role in prosecuting a US war that killed millions of Vietnamese.

"...Negroponte will unquestionably play a pivotal role in the elaboration and execution of US policy in Iraq. He brings to his job no direct experience in the Middle East, and, while he reportedly speaks five languages, they do not include Arabic.

The experience he does have, however, prepares him for directing the suppression of the growing Iraqi resistance to US occupation. He has an intimate familiarity with mass killing, covert operations and death squads. Negroponte's "experience and skill" lie not in spreading "freedom and peace," as Bush piously declared, but rather in organizing bloody repression—from Vietnam to Central America and elsewhere." --The Negroponte nomination: a warning to the people of Iraq by Bill Van Auken
21 April 2004

as i understand it , negroponte is also jewish which makes it unusual for him to be brought in as ambassador to an arab and very pro-palestinian country . jay gardner not withstanding

it is under negroponte's tenure that the growing anti-american insurgency in iraq takes on a new color as the sectarian violence greatly expands between sunni and shia .

death squads wearing the police uniforms of the iraqi ministery of the interior begin detaining , kidnapping , torturing and executing people --now it's up to about 100 bodies turning up a day in baghdad alone.

with hundreds of iraqi scientists and college professors having been assassinated by the death squads the intelligensia of iraq is being murdered off .

at one time in the 'not long ago' , iraq's education system was praised by the Un as a model for the rest of the developing world .

now , doctors and professors are fleeing the country by the hundreds and the medical care system and educational system --two of the most highly lauded accomplishments of the baathist regimes are in danger of collapse .

the shia and sunnis engage in a bloody war against each other while the kurds proclaim a free kurdistan in which kurdish is the official language , the flag of kurdistan flies
and negotiations with norwegian oil companies go on to develop untapped oil fields in what was once northern iraq .

iraq , once on the verge of being a regional ecomomic and military power -- a modern , wealthy highly educated secular arab nation , has been reduced to a broken and bloody mess spiraling downward into chaos .

lebanon , despite hezbollah's surprising tenacity , is left a devastated mess with it once modern infrastructure smart-bombed into twisted rubble in an air power campaign that HAD to have taken months of secret work in advance to plan out and prepare with logistics and supply .

which leaves iran - rich with oil , highly educated and modern , but under threats of sanctions and further trade embargo for attempting to build what the international atomic energy agency inspections have described as a 'civilian' nuclear energy program .

take iran apart , neutralize its potential as regional economic military and political power and there is no threat remaining in the region . the middle east and of course its ocean of oil --is for all intents and purposes subdued for western interests .

from the geo-strategic position offered by control of the middle east , to the north east , the oil and vast amounts of natural gas of central asia are a hop skip and jump --as are also the mineral resources of an already fractionalized and balkanized africa to the south and west .


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