Wednesday, February 14, 2007

webster tarpley on peak oil...

webster tarpley in the video below , touches on some of the topics we've mentioned at the old "deskrat" especially about what we read at col. L. fletcher prouty's website where he says

geologists told him that oil is not a fossil fuel but instead ,

a product which is produced as a function of the earth's crust .

prouty had mentioned that the geologists told him oil was being found at

depths deeper than the earth's fossil record --meaning at layers of the earth so deep that there are no fossils there--layers of the earth formed before there was life on earth --if so, how could oil then be a fossil fuel--the residue of dead dinosaurs and dead forests ?

old soviet science believed that there may be an unlimited amount of oil in the earth .

the only problem being developing the technology to drill deeply enough to reach it .

the peak oil boys --the theory that oil production had reached its peak on earth in the years from the 1970's to present times , would begin a global decrease --and trigger catastrophic economic decline--especially for the west--was in part the motivation for the neo-con grab at empire in the middle east-- to control world's largest proven oil reserves, as well as control the geo-political crossroads of the world --the middle east --(once the land of the ancient blacks btw

as we mentioned in a black history posting at another blog )

tarpley goes on to connect the iraq war --Us middle east-central asia (and africa) empire grab-- to the shift away from the dollar as the world's currency , and the Us intention to keep the world's oil purchases locked into the dollar.

in the "lessons learned repeatedly " postings at deskRat , we mentioned how in 1963 the rightwing staged a coup

by murdering president kennedy because they saw him as weak on vietnam --where the rightwing had already committed itself to the profits of a war in vietnam .

kennedy also issued silver certificates --Us money backed by silver rather than the worthless paper the federal reserve bankers were printing up and then charging the Us government interest, for borrowing it from them .

kennedy also angered the oil interests by planning to repeal the oil depletion allowance --a big tax break oil men got because according to the "oil is a fossil fuel theory" --every barrel pumped out of the ground left oil men with one less barrel of opportunity for profit --thus a need for a big tax write-off in order for Us taxpayers to finance big oil's exploration for more oil .

so the combination of big oil , wall street bankers , pentagon war hawks/defense contractors and of course their bay of pigs disgraced minions at CIA had kennedy assassinated --and no president since has dared to stand up to these boys --in fact most have sat idly by as they looted not only the Us treasury but the Us middle class --setting the standard of living back beneath the 1950s levels.

Us economy began its decline after the military failure in vietnam . the debt used to finance the war ate a huge hole in the Us economy--meaning deficit spending was used to finance the war --the bankers ran the printing presses to create money they did not have and then loaned worthless money that did not really exist to the government to pay for the war and charged the government (read "Us taxpayers") interest for loaning the government money that was

backed by nothing but paper to pay defense contractors for supplying the military weapons for 10 years during a lost war .

it was richard nixon --one of the kennedy assassination conspirators and minion of prescott bush--who himself was a minion of harriman (railroad and banking fortune) and rockefeller families (rockefellers own exxon oil and citi bank ) who as president , not only escalated the war in vietnam--after being elected largely on a promise to end the war --but it was nixon who took the dollar off the gold standard

and brokered a secret deal with the saudis that oil could only be bought with dollars .

the nations of the world --if they wanted saudi oil --had to have dollars on hand in order to buy it.

the Us dollar --no longer backed by gold --was backed instead by oil transactions.--the artificial global demand for dollars needed in order to buy oil.

--until saddam hussein --america's boy who was pissed off --after the gulf war and a dozen years of economic sanctions --at being bent over a barrel with his pants left down around his ankles by his former american employers , decided to get back at them by being the first to dump the dollar and sell oil in euros .

the Us invades iraq and topples saddam because "wmd" stands for "we mean dollars"--as far as oil sales are concerned and will go to war to preserve that relationship and thus preserve the dollar.

russia , reduced to third world status after the collapse of the soviet union , and minus about $300 billion siphoned off by western robber barons with the inside help of russian mafia/oligarchs , was also left bent over a barrel with pants down around the ankles .

but finally the russians dump yeltsin and putin takes charge and the threat of them selling russian oil in rubles or euros instead of dollars becomes a real possibility.

even in its weakened state , putin quickly moves against the oligarchs and reestablishes the russian military /industrial complex by huge arms sales to countries like iraq and iran as well as huge sales of oil and natural gas to western europe

which raises the cash to keep even a reduced russia still too large and too strong to

risk military confrontation .

this leaves iran --which announced its intents to begin an oil bourse--oil market selling oil in euros , and china -- after serious attempts to destroy china's currency by the same western hedge fund speculators who broke the asian tiger currencies and the russian ruble and argentina's currency beginning back in 1997 . china announces plans to issue a gold back yuan coin--the iranian bourse and the chinese gold yuan --are direct challenges to the dollar which since george w bush took office has seen a 30 percent decline in value--which means our standard of living in the Us took a 30 percent drop ..

if not for "everyday low prices " made possible by prison labor in china

and china and japan loaning the Us billions per day to keep the Us treasury afloat -- buying up Us t-bills , treasury notes , and bonds -- the Us consumer , already up to the eyeballs in debt would be in for a major downward revision in the quality of life department .

as long as the Us military was perceived as invincible ,

the fear of american military power bolstered the worthless dollar and the present economic order of petro-backed dollars was still secured .

the status quo was relatively secure even as america continued stripping down its once world championship manufacturing sector--the heart and source of america's military prowess btw-- and shipping manufacturing jobs over seas in search of the good old days --before the Us labor unions-- of child labor , penny wages

and no health or retirement benefits --"globalization" as it is now called --"robber baron "capitalism was its former name .

but saddam and company , possibly unwittingly , possibly on purpose , ruined everything with that stubborn and vengeful shift to oil sales in euros instead of keeping with dollars.

the Us had to respond --the whole fragile house of paper cards was in jeopardy if iraq could

get away with making war on the dollar the way the anglo-american hedge fund boys in the late 90s had successfully made war on the individual currencies of the asian "tiger" economies

and through them , their sponsor-- japan ,

along the way , the hedge fund boys had gotten away with making war on russia and argentina--in the process reducing russia to mineral selling third world nation status as well as reducing some well educated highly skilled argentines to foraging through dumpsters for their next meal

during the argentine economic collapse .

the Us had to invade iraq --the world's oil reserves and the dollar were at stake .

the underpinnings of the entire american empire were unraveling and at risk .

according to neo-con worldview , with unchallenged american military dominance and

control of the worlds' major oil and natural reserves in the middle east /central asia/and africa --the american century would be secured --pax americana --unchallenged Us global dominance --would be the reality for at least the next 100 years .

one day , from space , platforms could eventually be orbited that could not only monitor the most minute events on the ground in any nation in the world , the communications as well as military command and control --any challenge to american military power could be monitored from space and nipped in the bud BEFORE it reached the critical mass stage on earth .

the project for a new american century could be considered a done deal --if that pesky saddam had just gotten out dodge city the way sheriff george dubya had told him --but that fucker saddam would not go peacefully into exile --that fucker bought tons of russian weapons and stashed them all over iraq--turned the whole country into an arsenal.

and then when his army refused to fight for him as the generals sold out and each made deals with the americans --the old grizzled bastard's REAL plan --the sunni insurgency --led in large part by the junior officers of the republican guard --took up the fight and through primarily the ied -improvised devices --homemade explosives made from an old artillery shell and detonated by electrical charges triggered by the everyday consumer electronics found in cell phones , garage door openers , and kid's remote control toys--the Us regional invasion of the middle east was stalled in iraq and unable to carry on into syria and iran as originally planned .

at the end of the first gulf war and the kosovo campaign , american military prowess

was viewed by the world as unstoppable .

smart bombs and satellite directed laser guided airwar was seen as unbeatable --no nation could stand up to american military power --until the iraqi insurgency and until the Us proxy war against hezbollah in lebanon put an end to the belief of american military invincibility .

are we seeing the end of the american empire --the end of the dollar? the damage done to the american economy by the ROT of deficit spending allowed accumulate and the monumental costs of this lost war in iraq may be the clogged arteries that even quadruple bypass surgery cannot cure.

at the beginning of the 20th century a soon to be famous russian firebrand politico predicted that the british empire would expand itself to death , the german empire would militarize itself to death and the american empire would spend itself to death .

iraq war reveals the limits of american military power--if the world dumps the shrinking dollar --we will witness the complete end of pax americana.

pax romana--rome's unchallenged dominance of the known world lasted 200 years .

pax britania lasted 100 years , from 1815 and the end of the napoleonic wars to 1914 --the first world war .

pax americana began in 1990 after the demise of the soviet union .

17 years as the world's only undisputed superpower --and the american empire may have run its course --because of unsound fiscal policy allowing banks to print unlimited supplies of worthless money combined with astronomical deficit spending ,

along with the deliberate gutting of the greatest manufacturing base the world had ever seen

and the subsequent sinking of the american middle class back into paycheck to paycheck , one step ahead of homelessness , hand to mouth existence.

live by the deficit--die by the deficit...



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