Thursday, June 10, 2004

'greatest' , or most overrated?

they say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead ,but i'm really sick of hearing how this guy was the "greatest president of the 20th century"

on tavis smiley's show Cornell West mentioned that Reagan began his campaign for the presidency at philadelphia , mississippi the site where the 3 civil rights workers were murdered and buried in a levy by the local klan...reagan mentioned there that he was a supporter of 'state's rights' a code word for white supremacy and the same battle cry of the Confederacy in the civil war.

Then later at Stone Mountain , Georgia -the official birthplace of the ku klux klan and a sacred shrine to southern rednecks , reagan talked about how he admired jefferson davis the president of the confederacy during the civil war.

..west went on to say how reagan was confrontational about soviet tyranny when it came to white folks rights , "mr. gorbechev tear this wall down " , but reagan pussyfooted around with apartheid south africa , remained south africa's main supporter (along with israel and britain) and prolonged the life of the regime by calling for "constructive engagement" instead of the economic sanctions the rest of the world demanded .Reagan continued providing military and economic aid to the apartheid government .

under reagan the wealthiest 1 percent of the population increased the amount of america's wealth they owned from 20 percent to 36 percent and now that 1 percent owns 48 percent of america's personal wealth .

let me add to that ,reagan armed trained and supported jonas savimbe's UNITA movement-even called savimbe a 'freedom fighter'...savimbe is regarded by blacks as one of the biggest traitors in african history and he actually accepted money for years from south africa and fought alongside apartheid south african military forces AGAINST his own people when south africa invaded Angola .

reagan's administration set up the coup that caused the death of grenadian head of state maurice bishop, then invaded grenada , toppled the government on a bullshit lie that cuba was building a military airport there (it turned out that it was a civilian airport just as bishop had claimed ,to promote greater island tourism . the airport had no underground fuel storage tanks and no concrete hangers or underground bunkers that are standard at military airbases to protect military planes and supplies )

30 percent of the budget cuts reagan made affected programs serving the poor ...programs which only made up 10 percent of the federal budget to begin with .

... Also the death squads in el salvador and guatamala shifted into high killing gear under reagan's assistance and with additional weapons and training reagan provided...30,000 people in nicaragua were killed by reagan's CONTRAS , mostly civilians .

Reagan kept banker's hours , being one of the least hardworking presidents ever. He would begin at ten , stop at noon for lunch and a long nap , be back at work by three and then , call it an early day. It was George H.W. Bush who quietly ran the government , reagan delegated everything .

the guy referred to people on public assistance as 'welfare queens' while ignoring the long time corporate "feed for all" on the 'public teat' . Reagan cut food stamps to the poor and even tried to slash 1.5 billion from the school lunch program for children by calling catsup a heartless can a man be to take bread out of the mouths of children ?

He was good at reading the speech prepared for him...being an actor helps ...Even a 'b-movie' actor can do that it proves...which reminds one of an upcoming politician groomed by his handlers and drama coach for the job of giving the inspiring speech , and rallying the troops for a world war while the wealthy industrialists who put him in power pulled the strings from behind the scenes --in Germany .

Like that guy in germany , reagan was no intellectual giant or deep thinker either .

when it came time to speak off the script , ron would show his age and babble and sputter...Margaret Thatcher is said to have once commented about reagan , "Poor Ronnie, there's nothing between his ears ."

if this guy was the "greatest president of the 20th century , perhaps one of the greatest presidents of all time" as one 'expert' talking head gushed on the news the other day , then the US is in serious decline and George W. Bush should be number two on that twisted list.


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