Friday, April 15, 2005

peak oil ?

i have considerable respect for michael ruppert because of his direct confrontation with john deutch over charges of c.i.a. complicity in drug smuggling during public hearings conducted in the los angeles area black community.

the embarrassment from this confrontation , when ruppert came forward and declared to the public that he had evidence of cia complicity in drug smuggling and that it had gone on for decades --ravaging black communities across the nation in the process --was believed by some to have cost
deutch --then head of cia - a sure shot as the future secretary of defense .

i admired ruppert's willingness to put himself on the line in the cause of the underdog , doing what is right and honorable--in the mold of other whistleblowers on government corruption like former d.e.a. central american station chief cellerino castillo and michael levine who spoke out about the government sponsored drug traffickers and who , for their decency , paid a heavy price both personally and professionally.

these gentlemen are three "cops" that i actually hold respect for , because of the stands they each have taken at significant cost to self , career and family .

i'm saying this to confirm the respect i have for mike ruppert but also to say that i'm forced to rethink what i had come to believe was true concerning the theory of peak oil that ruppert and others champion .

peak oil is the theory that the world's major reserves of petroleum and natural gas have already been discovered and what is left of known supplies are dwindling rapidly , heading us in the industrial world irreversibly towards a precipice over which the modern world will collapse -- agriculture , manufacturing , information and communication and transport all grind to a halt , civilization breaks down and millions --perhaps billions of humans die off in the ensuing crisis --that's peak oil .

a few years ago i had read an article at the reference website of the late colonel l. fletcher prouty
where prouty, described a luncheon he had attended back in the 70s in which a group of oil geologists were debating whether oil is a fossil fuel or a function of the earth's mantle .

one side gave the old theory we all learned in grammar school about dinosaurs and forrests dying off millions of years ago and over time being transformed into coal , oil , and natural gas--and thus a FINITE resource and due to sooner or later by humans , be exhausted .

the other side , advanced the idea that oil is not a fossil fuel , but instead , a function of the greater depths of the earth and basically unlimited once technology advanced and we could drill deep enough to reach it .

the same other side offered as proof , the fact that oil was even then , being found in geological layers of the earth too deep to contain any fossils . also the amounts of oil already extracted from the earth was much more than the once living plants and animals of early earth could have ever produced .

in fact the other side then said that old wells in pennsylvania , some of the first drilled in the Us that were long thought dry , were recently found able to produce small amounts of oil again --indicating that oil was gradually seeping upwards into the depleted resevoir from sources deeper below .

from what i understand , today there are those who say that the russians have for years been quietly putting considerable resources into deep drilling technology and have reached depths deep enough --in the 20,000 ft. range -- to tap into the supposedly limitless oil supplies manufactured by the inner regions of the earth .

if this is true , russia by controlling the technology , could for a while , possibly dominate global energy production .

elements in the Us and the rest of the developed world might have a keen interest in preventing the post-soviet russia from getting on firm financial footing , using economic and political instability as some of the chips to force-bargain the technology out of a desperate russia --similar to the way a defeated post first world war germany was forced by treaty to give up lucrative synthetic fibers technology and patents to the victors of the war ...or the same way that rebel and guerrilla movements today are being used by the Us and the west in Africa to force-bargain african "leaders" to trade tens of billions of dollars in mineral rights for a few million in overpriced weaponry from long obsolete stockpiles from the cold war era .

this also makes one look again at the seizure of russia's Yukos oil by vladimir putin and the subsequent imprisonment of russian oligarch mikhail khodorkovsky believed to be ultimately working in the interests of the western multinationals .


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