Wednesday, March 16, 2005

and sometimes we even give relationship advice...look out dr phil !

to a woman at another website i frequent who was wondering where the spark of intimacy had gone , we offered the following advice...

Author: d sekou
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 12:31 pm

[No profile available]

if he sleeps in the same bed with you and you got any skin showing and he don't want to "hit it" , something might be wrong .

a womans bodyheat is a natural afrodesiac . he might be tired at first , but should be waking you up around three or four in the morning--"baby you sleep?"

only in fantasy movies - ala wesley snipes and angela basset in "waiting to exhale" -do men and women sleep in the same bed and SOMETHING don't get hit-- it's a force of nature --like magnetism or gravity or nuclear energy. --recall that in that same movie that sis dowsed with gasoline and then burned up her husband's brand new BMW-- i knew right then it was pure fantasy -- no black woman in her right mind would burn up a car worth that much money--she mighta sold it to cousin ray ray at the chop shop or something but she woulda got SOMETHING outta that car...

"gurrl", check to see if your man is tired , ill or just adjusting to what is a sudden change in climate , his lifestyle , diet and routine .

one minute he was probably thinking of himself as the master of his fate..the captain of his ship...the king of himself...the supreme commander..."joe the boss of my own damm self" , "the emperor of dude", the sultan of single , the uncrowned king of kitty ,world's most eligible bachelor-- free to have any woman he wants--free not to have to answer to anybody ,anywhere , anytime...the next minute he's got a wifey who is at the lifestage where her sex drive has kicked into high gear, an energetic ,curious 6 year old , a mother in law requiring major home care and a whole new world to adjust to ...

it might take time to adjust mentally and physically from all the change or even from the travel --- i had jet lag once and that night just didn't feel like "making the cathedral bells ring"--the next morning tho, after a good night's sleep and a decent meal, i felt like will smith in that Ali movie --felt like hollerin "The Champ is here!"

to "get something outta that car"--tell your man what you need ,ask him if something is wrong , does he feel alright and suggest that if he ain't feeling up to par maybe a diagnostic tuneup at the "autoclinic" is in order .

even without "provocation" ,a healthy rested male is normally gonna wanna hit something...if not, try holding hands , cuddling and making out to some beautiful ,inspirational new gospel music to help transform some of the spirit of love into also its physical expression...


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