Us & Eu issue veiled threats concerning Iranian nuclear energy research

Let's start by clarifying that we at deskRat chronicles are staunchly anti-nuke . we believe that ALL nuclear weapons , as well as all chemical-biological weapons should be destroyed and permanently banned from this tiny planet. That includes depleted uranium munitions in all their forms .
Hopefully some day in the "very soon to be" , people globally, will take control of this and other vital matters out from the inept hands of governments , greedy muntions corporations and their lobbyists everywhere and we all will be just a little closer to world peace and all of us better off because of it .
But now back to today's dirty realities.
despite the fact that iran is a sovereign nation and thus entitled to develop nuclear energy as well as nuclear weapons --if it sees fit to do so-- a steady stream of media hype and government spin surrounds the recent iranian decision to end the temporary agreement it had signed with the Us and Eu and resume iranian RESEARCH into nuclear energy . a decision that violates no permanent agreements and breaks no international treaties including the nuclear non-proliferation treaty--a treaty against the spread of nuclear weapons that iran has signed but israel has yet to ...
the iranian nuclear energy program , as i understand it , has been overseen and supervised by the Un's international atomic energy agency and certified by them as a civilian program and non weapons oriented .
"In February 2003 Mohamed ElBaradei traveled to Iran with a team of inspectors to investigate Iran's nuclear program. By November Mr ElBaradei stated that there is "no evidence" that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. On December 18, 2003 Iran signed the Additional Protocol at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, and is acting in accord with its provisions pending completion of ratification of the protocol [2].
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa forbidding the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons on August 9, 2005. The full text of the fatwa was released in an official statement at the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. [3]
In September 2005 the International Institute for Strategic Studies concluded in a report that Iran is still many years away from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability [4].
On January 9, 2006 Iran resumed voluntarily suspended nuclear energy research and development in spite of international displeasure and pressure from the United States, the European Union and Russia. " --wikipedia international atomic energy agency and iran
of course the israeli zionists , who already have at least 100 to 200 nuclear warheads they have secretly built at their dimona facility, somehow feel threatened by a non-weapons nuclear energy program in iran and have purchased not only submarines from which the zionists could launch nuke-tipped missiles , but also at great expense to american taxpayers , 'bought' new american fighter bombers and the long range refueling planes needed to feasibly extend their reach to iran and back.
of course , it's no secret that before he was recently "touched by an angel" the old fat, "man of peace" himself , ariel sharon ,the 'legbreaker' , the 'butcher of beruit' , the instigator of intifadas , the rapist of jenin , the wall building -ethnic cleansing-landgrabber , was said to have approved the plans for a premptive strike on the iranian nuclear sites --ala israel's 1980's air strike on iraq's osirak reactor --also a civilian reactor-- built by the french , encouraged by the Us and financed by loans provided by the west and the construction supervised by the Un's IAEA certifying it as a non-weapons type reactor ...the americans , europeans and zionists must have laughed a long time among themselves at that one , having tricked the gullible sadam hussein into borrowing money from them to build the reactor --almost at their insistance ---knowing the izzies would blast it to smitherines with the very same fighter jets and advanced technologies that the west's taxpayers (especially americans ) had so generously 'given' the israelis . it's also said that after the israelis humiliated saddam by destroying the almost completed osirik reactor--an undeniable act of war by the izzies , saddam began a nuclear weapons program in ernest...another portion of the infamous iraqi wmd program significantly owing its existence to the Us , israel and the west ...
but back to the present situation ...russia has been building for the iranians , a billion dollar civilian nuclear reactor designed to produce electrcity and not weapons grade plutonium .
the iranians have said that they recognize that their extensive oil reserves will not last forever and now is the time for them to prepare for the nation of approximately 50 million people's future energy needs --while the financial resources are still readily available.
the izzies --paranoid of course of any sign of progress , or any potential strength in the middle east that could one day be used to resist their expansionist plans for a "greater israel" --occupying the lands between the nile and euphrates rivers--are readying themselves for a massive series of premptive strkes against iran ...
the izzies' neo-con zionists , and rightwing--rapture-eager christian zionists in charge in washington , also have limited war with iran --along with 'regime change' on the planning table.
as the neo-con-likudnik soap opera of "as the saber rattles" prepares to 'air' its next episode , expect a further demonization of the iranians while they 'break the seals' that they had allowed the west to put on iran's nuclear energy research facilities--and the Eu-'big three' (france , germany and england ), along with the Us neo-con-christian-zionist-likudniks play a version of "good cop / bad cop" while both ultimately seem in cahoots to stop iran from gaining nuclear technology...
as an example of how "good cop / bad cop" is played in the international arena look at the recent reports stating that while the german government of helmut schroder was vehemently denouncing the approaching american invasion of iraq in public , privately , german intel-- the BND --operating in baghdad , provided the info that led to the 'decapitation' assassination bombing attack against saddam hussein that destroyed a restaurant he was believed to be meeting at--- but in the process missed hussein and instead wiped out the iraqi family living above the restaurant.
george bush and new german chancellor angela merkel "mending fences"

berlin admits giving Us bombing targets in iraq

"Why are you damaging the good name of the security council and IAEA for you own political purposes?' he asked. 'Don't take away the credibility of legitimate forums. Your arsenals are full to the brim, yet when it's the turn of a nation such as mine to develop peaceful nuclear technology you object and resort to threats."-- newly elected iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad
Interesting that the new German Chancellor is all for Bush. Serious shift in German Politics eh?
And WHAT THA @%^&! is the Iranian President doing with theis Holocaust never happened BS? What kind of @$(!! advisors does he have that are telling him this is how to go on the international scene with? Why not set up an inquiry as to the origins of the gas used by Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war? He needs to lay off the Opium too with all that talk of seeing an Aura about himself as he spoke at the UN. I'm worried about this guy getting Nukes because I don't think he's wrapped to tight, Neither him nor Bush.
lol at the 'wrapped too tight' comment . but bush already got nukes and gave the go ahead to develop 'tactical' mini-nukes to be used in 'limited' wars probably in central asia against an iran , china or even india one day --when they are perceived as too much a threat to euro-amer supremacy .
politically i don't think much of the palestinians ,iraqis or the iranians--they're all too myopic ,oppressive , parochial ,intolerant , rednecked and divided to be successful against the new imperialism , but i talk about what's going on in the region because i think that once they've been squashed , israel will be able to eventually expand and be that outpost of the europeans and americans in the middle east and in africa's backyard that the west always hoped it would one day become--the war in iraq may be lost but the region is being shattered --they are removing the arab opposition to greater euro-amer imposition into the region--african opposition will not fare any better... the main reason i mention the palestinians , the arabs, the iranians, is because they will be the first victims , africans will be the next in this major pincer move designed to keep us in check in this new century while "pan-europa" --the global european diaspora --drains africa and the middle east dry as the sahara
... you dig the game they play ?
like how france talked all that smack about the brutal ,tyrannical Us invading iraq and then turned right around and helped the Us topple aristide and invade haiti--canadians condemned the war in iraq but helped topple aristide too---germany talked all that smack about the Us and the invasion of iraq while supplying co-ordinates to the pentagon to help them try and kill saddam hussein --germany helping the invasion succeed...
it's classic good cop / bad cop being used to hide their common agenda which is euro-amer supremacy --look at that norwegian company already ignoring baghdad as the seat of national authority in iraq , cutting private deals with the kurds and drilling new oil fields near mosul and kirkuk in northern iraq---
it's the same game as in liberia , congo , angola , sierra leone --one member of the team talks democracy , the Un and international rule of law and justice while other members of the team subvert and destroy and cut deals to balkanize and break up the region and while local negro wannabe warlords and wannabe h.n.i.c. line their pockets and trade away tens of billions in resources for phoney 'autonomy' and a few million in small arms from already obsolete weapons's the new global face for the old divide and conquer
they ALL can't just openly act as they did in the 1880s and take what they want---or it's the 'imperialist white devils' of yester-year --re-created by them all over again --which might spook pan-arab , pan-asian , and 'heaven forbid'--pan-african fervor against the sons of the 'foreign imperialist devils' -- so they do the "good cop / bad cop" routine to act as if there is really some difference between them today and their grand-daddies back in the 1880's while they still carve up the world for the global european diaspora's interests---somebody among them HAS to pay lip service to justice and international law and the puppet Un --else the masks completely fall and the blacks and asians and arabs see the euro-amer bloc acting once again in a form of pan-racial self interest --as it did in the 'age of imperialism' and now that the cold war is over they are re-uniting in intent, to finish the job left over from the crusades and the beginnings of the 'modern era' --breaking the "arab threat" , breaking the "asian threat", breaking the "african joke of a threat" to unimpeded rule of ALL these 'exotic' lands by the global european diaspora--france and germany and russia can put on a show for the world but they wink and secretly rub their hands together with glee at the prospects of the oil reserves and wealth of the middle east being under the thumb of their brethren--of course there is no honor among thieves--there will always be an odd man out --thus conflict between thieves--but the thieves may stab each other in the back --as they did russia in this iraq thing but thieves ALL know and agree on who the victim is...
no doubt. My problem is when people play into the hands of those they supposedly are against. Taking a page from the book of Toussaint L'Ouveture, you use the opposition of your opposition to get what you want. If China and Russia want diplomacy and you rant at the mouth about the Holocaust not happening, then you weaken your "allies" even if they are but allies of convenience.
When the hell are colored folks gonna learn to plan past their own individual leader's rule?
On the "wrapped to tight' thing:
I'm worried about these fundamentalists, Christian Muslim or whatever being in possession of Nukes. What's to stop one fool from waking up one morning and deciding that God told them to "press the button?"
Right on, Sondjata. This is why the US having some 10,000 or so nukes is the most batshit-stupid development in the past century. Our leaders have the potential to be just as f***ed in the head as Iran's President. Look at all these Christian Zionists, these Dispensationalists who think it's their job to bring about Armageddon by starting a big World War, of course involving nukes-- these are people in the good ol' USA.
Not only is Iran too dangerous to have nukes, so are we. At the very least, we shouldn't be havin' thousands of 'em. Maybe a couple dozen or so like France does, but not enough to launch a nuclear attack. There was some forum where a while ago where some Blue Staters were talking about seceding and all that, pissed off that essentially the whole country is now at the mercy of lunatics like Delay and their big World War plans. I dunno about the solution, but their fear and anger are right on.
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