Saturday, December 24, 2005

"NPR and the cult of the prestigious co-signers"-- or --" Talking heads co-sign 'bush-spin-lies' lowballing iraqi death count"

About a week or so ago after a televised speech to rally sagging support for his disaster in iraq , president dub was asked if he knew how many iraqis had died in the american invasion and occupation .

his reply was "about 30,000" . a figure that was televised and basically went unchallenged by american media-- NPR , national public radio , even went as far as to immediately broadcast afterwards a 'co-signing' of that ridiculously low estimate by agreement of some professional talking head from "the prestigious brookings institute ."

i have been an "on and off" listener to npr since the prelude to the first gulf war and once thought it a fairly good source of information--but of late --beginning especially after npr failures to ask the important questions concerning the republican theft of the 2000 'election' and then the 9-11-01 attacks ,the 2003 iraq-invasion and more recently the blatant theft of election 2004 --as well as our own personal experience described here in these chronicles of being held "cut-off" on the air by one of their syndicated "phone-in your questions/comments program" hosts while trying to shed light on bush-crimes concerning the "plame-gate/treason" scandal --after all this , i'd have to say their refusal to seek or allow honesty concerning hard issues has left me more than a little 'disappointed' with NPR .

these circumstances have forced 'us at deskRat' to regard them as merely a 'liberal-sounding' voice of a controlled lapdog media--barking when the rightwing says to --but never challenging the parameters set by the right-wingnuts to control the debate and its outcomes...

what is meant by that , is this : "lancet"-- the british medical association publication said 14 months ago that based upon a survey taken among iraqi families by physicians treating the victims in that country that at least 100,000 iraqis had ALREADY been killed during the invasion and occupation --mostly by the Us air war--an air war that continues to this day in iraq --as quietly as it is kept by media --iraqis --in large part civilians , are being killed probably at this moment by missiles , bombs and bullets from american planes and helicopter gunships --as part of the battle against the determined and increasingly sophisticated insurgency .

the Lancet figure of 100,000 iraqi dead was admittedly the LOWEST estimate --they asserted that the data collected from the survey had led to projections anywheres from 100,000 to 285,000 iraqis dead as a result of the bush-war ...AND THAT WAS WAS 14 MONTHS AGO ... before the war crimes such as the nazi-like assault on fallujah took place--an assault that included the US usage of chemical weapons that kill indescriminately , on areas containing civilian populations --in particular the use of napalm and white phosporous chemical substances that burn and kill whatever living beings --animal or human , that they come in contact with...

Look for an increase in reliance on american air-power to subdue iraq --especially as more of the over-extended Us ground forces in iraq are drawn down in numbers and pulled back to base --while policing duties fall more and more into the lap of the lapdog iraqi forces the americans are training --"occupier's dogs"-- we believe, is how the locals 'endearingly' refer to these iraqi troops .

that 'endearment' is in large part what 'we observers at deskRat chronicles' believe will doom this american attempt at "iraqi-zation" of this imperial war to a similar fate suffered by "vietnamization" during the vietnam war that went before it --a Us-economy-busting american military defeat at the hands of the local resistance --a resistance fighting what they see as a war of national liberation againist an illegal , immoral , imperialist occupation of their country designed by the imperialists and their war-industrialist-petro-chemical puppet-masters , to steal natural resources .

But to refocus on the original task here : george bush was unexpectedly asked at a recent propaganda-op , if he knew how much iraqi blood was on his hands in the course of his and the multi-national oil-garchy's unprovoked war on iraq --a war launched to grab control of the world's 2nd largest known energy reserves --shore up the dollar versus the euro as the currency that the world's oil will be purchased in -- to weaken arabstates in efforts to balkanize the region in the interests of an expansion-minded right-wingnut zionist war-faction ruling israel , and of course to position a future energy-hammerlock on the growing economic power of india and china .

bush --true to character --lied and gave a low-ball figure of 30,000 dead iraqis when other estimates , in particular, the one made by Lancet 14 months ago , report more than 3 times that amount of people have been killed by the Us invasion and occupation .

in fact , Lancet went with their low figure -- their LOWEST --MOST CONSERVATIVE estimate , when ---100,000 minimum to 285,000 iraqi dead --was the range...

npr and the rest of the 'mainstream mutts'--the media acting as lapdogs for the bush administration-- again blindly accepting 'bush-spin-lies' --again ignored Lancet reports to the contrary and brought in a "brookins institute" talking-head-expert to co-sign the 'bush-spin-lies' that the blood of only 30,000 murdered iraqis is on the hands of george bush and those in his criminal administration ...


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