Sunday, November 27, 2005

A selection of comments received by in response to the article Memo: Bush wanted Aljazeera bombed.

Comments: Bush, Aljazeera memo
Tuesday 22 November 2005 4:58 PM GMT

A selection of comments received by in response to the article Memo: Bush wanted Aljazeera bombed.

Let's wait till the memo surfaces. I am quite sure that there is something to the claims as Mirror has been gagged by the British government. Why the gag order if this story could be dismissed outright by publishing the document in question?

When I heard about this yesterday, I dismissed it as soon as I heard the words Daily Mirror. Now, though, they've repressed the story using the Official Secrets Act ... it's clearly true and it sends a shiver down my spine. If the US was the beacon of justice it presents itself as, Bush would resign over this.

Clearly this a complete load of rubbish. I do not exclude that some of the previous "accidents" may not have been accidental. However in this case there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that not even Bush would be stupid enough to go for you guys outside of a war zone and in a friendly country. As for being unbiased, you are no more or less biased than any other news organisation in reporting news from your own cultural perspective, as does the BBC ... but I certainly would not say you have no bias in your reports.

I am delighted to see that there is some press organisation that is not afraid to speak the truth about what this evil America government is doing to pervert freedom and truth.

Whether it is true or not, it is nothing new to me. Because this might have been the top agenda of Bush since Aljazeera started its unbiased coverage on the war. And considering the fact that the US army had already bombed the Baghdad office of Aljazeera martyring Tariq, such barbaric attacks are expected. However I stand by you Aljazeera especially during this time of crisis.

If the story is fabricated why have the newspapers now been threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act? As for lies and half truths, this is actually what Bush and Blair took us to war on, and they continue with lies and half truths now as they try to defend they indefensible.

I think the gag order against Mirror has made a statement of its own: the memo is true! I would like to see the memo made public, and both UK and USA to come clean. I feel so sorry for the family of those media personnel who have been killed. Those "accidental deaths" are questionable in the light of this event.

For the British government to bring charges for releasing secrets gives strong credence to the story. They would only do that if they had yet more to hide.

The lies told to start the Iraq war are unravelling fast. Aljazeera's part seems to have been little more than informing the public what their politicians have been doing. For that, Bush seems to want to shoot the messenger.

If this story is true, it clearly indicates the mentality of the US president. American people, who believe in "freedom of expression" should stop their president from "terrorising" the media.

I am ashamed of my government, and ashamed of all the foolish Americans who still believe everything George Bush tells them. I am not surprised by these most recent allegations. I believe we will be picking up the pieces from the Bush administration for decades to come.

If Bush intended this to be a "joke" then why did the AG just issue a gag order against the Mirror? In addition, two Brits are being subjected to criminal penalties for divulging "state secrets" (some "joke"). It also must have been some kind of "joke" to take up a 5 page memo. If it is such a great "joke", why don't they share it with the rest of the world. After what Bush-Blair has subjected humanity to, we could use a good laugh."

Trust me, the last thing that this administration wants to do is bomb Aljazeera. That would be a public relations nightmare that the US can't afford. This is obviously a fabrication to generate anti-US sentiment in Iraq. Aljazeera's source is a non-reputable newspaper that is being used to generate dissent and confusion between two countries that can't afford it. Shame on whoever started that rumour.

If George Bush wanted to bomb you, he'd have bombed you. He is out of control, and Blair would not have been able to stop him. This story is clearly fabricated.

I would take this story with a pinch of salt. The Daily Mirror ... is not known for its unbiased news coverage. It viciously opposed the Iraq war and would have a field day with something like this. Hats off to Aljazeera, however, for being able to report about itself calmly and without emotion or bias.

I can't believe the sheer stupidity of George Bush. Aljazeera is a non-party, neutral communications medium and does not fear to tell things as they are. If he was doing the right thing Aljazeera [would] no doubt report it that way. Keep up the good work, Aljazeera.

You guys have reached a new low in shamelessness. The Daily Mirror? ... It is a rag, filled with lies and half truths.

Every day I go over your website and I love it very much. Why? Because you are placing the truth before the face of the world, and that is why Bush, whom I consider a liar, does not like you. Please, don't be intimidated by the liars of the White House.
The Philippines

I have looked at your website for several months now and conclude that it is indeed biased against the West especially the US ... In general, your site is worthless to someone seeking the truth.

I am sorry and ashamed that the US government, and by association my country's government, appears to have sought to physically harm your staff and your people. Sorry because there was harm caused for no reason other than you were a messenger.

"Bush to bomb Aljazeera" ... Good idea.

Every single day I am ashamed by my government. Why should I doubt that this is true?

I will be happy to read your retraction after this story has run its course. This is a perfect example of Aljazeera trying to raise its own self-worth.

This doesn't surprise me - whenever there is truth - unpleasant truth - it seems this administration wants to bomb it.


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