charlie sheen --rips 9-11 wtc lies ...guess it takes a spine to stand up...

finally a hollywood type with some stones ... charlie sheen took a stand and publicly questioned the pack of lies that is the official 9-11 explanation.
sheen went on tv and attacked the government lies that a bunch of guys who were ALL-- according to the ny times and washington post described as "lousy" pilots by their own flight school instructors--pulled off the 9-11 world trade center attacks .
charlie , like many of the cognizant questioned how a group of amateurs could pull off the crime of the new century --defeating cia , fbi ,dia , nsa , faa , norad and the entire Us air defenses in place since the beginning of the 10 trillion dollar cold war--and defeat a super power's defenses with a couple of home depot boxcutters--and a few flying lessons.
two of the "hijackers" were such piss poor pilots that their instructors recommended they not even be allowed to drive cars let alone passenger airliners .
but we are to believe they successfully piloted airliners at 500 mph at low altitudes in a city full of skyscrapers and smacked into the right targets .
we are to believe the city firefighters were unskilled and misinformed enough to go into the towers to battle the blazes and perform rescues and just somehow found themselves trapped victims when the heat from the burning jet fuel caused the extensive network of support beams to melt and the towers to collapse . even peter jennings and dan rather commented that the tower collapses and the fall of wtc building 7 looked like controlled demolitions --what caused building 7 to collapse when other buildings much closer to the towers did not ? the extreme temperatures that weren't hot enough to melt the steel ? structural failure ? or controlled demolitions --nyc firemen on the scene said they heard explosions and all 3 the buildings fell as as if "pulled" by explosions . these three were the first and only steel structured skyscrapers EVER to collapse from fire --none had done so before and none have done so since...
charlie sheen also mentioned the recorded comments of the wtc center owner larry silverstein concerning his decision to "pull" building 7 . so far , 40,000 people responded to charlie' remarks in a CNN poll -- 84 % agree with him that the government covered up the real events of 9-11 ...
"Sheen reiterated his main focus as being on what caused Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, to become only the third steel building in history to collapse from fire damage (the other two being the twin towers). Photographs taken prior to the building's collapse show minor fires before it falls in a textbook demolition fashion.
'If there's a problem with Building 7 then there's a problem with the whole damn thing and guess what? There's a serious problem with Building 7,' said Sheen.
Sheen demanded that Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, explain what he meant when he told a September 2002 PBS documentary 'America Rebuilds' that the decision was made to "pull" the building, which is a demolition term for deliberate implosion.
'When someone makes a statement like that I think it warrants a follow up response,' said Sheen.
"In fact you know what I'll come right out and say that I'm personally requesting a direct answer from Mr. Silverstein about what he meant....give him my number tell him to call me I'm just curious. Tell him to call CNN tell him to call somebody because you cannot make a statement like that and not follow it up, and not back it up and not explain it."
"Anyone that cannot view this as a controlled demolition, I would have to say that their chair was not facing the television. Anyone that can look at this and say 'yes, that is a random event caused by fire' really needs psychiatric evaluation," said Sheen.
Sheen challenged the mainstream media to run a poll on Building 7 asking if viewers believe from video evidence that the building was brought down by means of controlled implosion.
Sheen again underscored his challenge to his detractors to debate him on the evidence and not idle gossip about his private life and his family.
'I ask that they look at the evidence and they debate myself, yourself, people that support us on those specific issues. Not about me personally, not about what they think about me personally not about what they think they know about me personally, just about the facts. I issue that challenge.'
Sheen expressed his excitement at the response that his stance received and hinted that this was only the beginning of the journey.
'It feels like you and I have started the revolution and God bless America,' said Sheen in closing."
Glad to see you're still amongst the living.
I am not sure if you've seen this
Sesa. I justy linked to your blog. I hope it has not fallen defunct. Some excellent stuff there.
Charlie Sheen ain't afraid to stand up the the lies we've been fed by Bush's Puppet Masters.
Anybody that can still think for themselves knows this whole thing was hatched in a small mideast terrorist country that starts with "I" and ends with "L".
Remember the Mossad Motto--- "By Deception, Thou Shalt Make War", and they sure as Hxxx have.....
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