sooooo....what's up ?

IAEA says no evidence of Iranian Nuclear Weapons plan
By Atul Aneja
March 2, 2006
The Hindu
Report likely to influence agency's Vienna meet
DUBAI: As the countdown for a crucial meeting on Iran on March 6 gets under way, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has revealed that it has not found any evidence that Teheran had diverted material towards making atomic weapons.
In its report which has been circulated to its 35 board members, the IAEA said that its three years of investigations had not shown "any diversion of nuclear material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices", the Associated Press reported.
Cooperation sought
However, it called upon Iran to substantially increase its cooperation with the IAEA inspectors as the agency has not been able "to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in Iran."
Without heightened cooperation, the agency would be unable to establish whether some of Iran's past nuclear activities under wraps were not linked to the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki who has been visiting Japan said, "They (IAEA) could not find evidence which shows that Iran has diverted from its peaceful purposes of nuclear activities in Iran." The report is likely to strongly influence the March 6 meeting in Vienna where the IAEA board is expected to discuss the future course of action on Iran.
On February 4, the board had decided to report Iran's case to the U.N. Security Council, which can take action against Iran, including the imposition of economic sanctions.
Buoyed by the report, Iran is rushing the head of its Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Larijani to Russia for another round of talks.
A Russian delegation led by Sergei Kiriyenko held talks with Iran over the weekend.
These discussions had revolved around the establishment of a joint venture facility in Russia, which would produce enriched uranium for generating electricity.
That meeting produced an "agreement in principle" on this subject.
However, later, differences appear to have surfaced on another issue — on whether Iran would be allowed to operate a small-scale enrichment plant for research purposes.
The IAEA report said that Iran had begun enrichment using 10 centrifuges — a move which can result in the production of only minute quantities of enriched uranium.
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*so if this is the case after two years in iran of the most extensive IAEA checks , surprise spot checks , monitoring , and the most extensive searches conducted by the international atomic energy agency in the history of the non-proliferation treaty and they have admittedly found nothing that iran has done in violation of the n-p-t --then why all this noise from the bushites?
The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran
Mike Whitney
March 10, 2006
In the last 48 hours all the major players in the Bush administration have issued statements warning of the impending danger of Iran.
Cheney blasted the Islamic regime saying there would be "meaningful consequences" if it refuses to comply with international demands to stop its nuclear program.
Condoleezza Rice said, "We face no greater challenge from a single country than Iran… This is a country that seems determined, it seems, to develop a nuclear weapon in defiance of the international community that is determined that they should not get one."
Donald Rumsfeld warned at a press conference on Wednesday, "I will say this about Iran. They are currently putting people into Iraq to do things that are harmful to the future of Iraq. We know it, and it is something that they, I think, will look back on as having been an error in judgment."
Bush chimed in too, "Iran must not have a nuclear weapon. The most destabilizing thing that can happen in this region and in the world is for Iran to have a nuclear weapon."
And then there was Bolton, the most vehement of all, saying that the Security Council should issue a "vigorous response" to Iran’s nuclear ambitions or the United States might have to consider other steps.
Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said, "It’s going to be incumbent on our allies around the world to show that they are willing to act."
Congress also added their support led by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) "Iran’s quest for nuclear arms requires us to do two things: squeeze Iran’s economy as much as possible and do so without delay." Lantos claims that more than 300 lawmakers will support sanctions.
Israel’s Defense Minister joined the chorus as well," If the UN Security Council is incapable of taking action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Israel will have no choice but to defend itself."
Bush, Cheney, Bolton, Rice, Rumsfeld, Burns, Congress, and Israel.
Whoa! That’s quite a line-up.
All in the last 48 hours!
Was it spontaneous or a calculated public-relations campaign?
Beyond the political speechmaking are literally hundreds of articles, full of the same predictable fictions and demagoguery which have mischaracterized Iran’s nuclear program from the get-go; fueling the hysteria for another preemptive war.
Did Iran become nuclear superpower overnight?
Apparently, so. But, just for the sake of argument, let’s remember that according to the IAEA there is "no evidence of a nuclear weapons program or any diversion of nuclear material."
That is the judgment of the Nobel Prize-wining chief of the UN nuclear watchdog agency, Mohammad ElBaradei. ElBaradei warned that there were no nuclear weapons programs in Iraq and he has drawn the very same conclusion in Iran.
"No evidence" still means "no evidence" except in Washington, DC, where it is a mere stumbling block for a massive media-blitz to manipulate public perceptions and whip the masses into war-fever.
It’s hard not to be impressed by the sudden ratcheting-up of inflammatory statements and spurious claims that blast from every media-soapbox across the country. Who could have imagined 4 years ago how utterly corrupted our media really is?
Try this: do a Google search through the 2,400 articles on Iran right now on and see what you find.
You’ll find that all 2,400 articles reiterate the same bland deceptions and wearisome lies as all the others. You’ll see that the forth estate provides neither facts, nor context, nor analysis, just the endless, repetitive fear-mongering of administration officials.
That’s it; just manipulation through state-sponsored demagoguery 24-7.
You won’t find anything about the IAEA inspection team that rummaged through Iran’s nuclear sites for the passed two years in the most thorough examination of any country in the history of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) You won’t hear anything about the "go anywhere, see anything" inspections that allowed officials from the IAEA to investigate any location or facility they felt was suspicious. You won’t hear that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) predicted that it would take 10 years for Iran to build a nuclear weapon. (If, in fact, that is even their intention) You won’t hear that Iran temporarily sacrificed its legal right to enrich uranium and accepted "additional protocols" because it trusted the EU-3 (Germany, France and England) who, it turns out, were simply acting as Washington’s agents. You won’t find one single article that clarifies the most fundamental issue of the entire confrontation; that Iran has an "inalienable right" to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes unless it can factually established that it has not complied with the terms of its agreement. "
* and today during speeches attempting to firm up failing Us resolve to remake through war the middle east in america's own image , dubya accused iran of making the new and deadly version of ied's that did something like this:

no it's not the iraqis themselves , filled with hatred of the occupying forces for having brutalized the iraqis and tortured people --occupying forces who have already killed 100,000 innocent civilians in this war to liberate iraq from its oil --it's not the iraqis fighting the Us military--it's those pesky iranians and syrians and foreign fighters who are the cause of all the trouble--
the trouble to Us forces is not coming from iraqis like this one in black--reported to be a captain in the republican guard and leading iraqis as they ambush american vehicles --it's iranians , syrians , and foreign al qaeda fighters--yeah sure it is...

"you see , as yore president , i believe it's not the iraqis fightin against us ...
it's them nuke-making iranians behind it all...yup ...them iranians that aims to take over the world--them mullers in tehran who is hatin' us cuz we got freedom and disneyland.
see , we got beer , football--the real football--not that sissy kickball stuff-- and we got "american idol" , an paris hilton , "that 70's show" and "girls gone wild" over here in america an they don't got none of that good stuff--so they hate us--and dadd-gumit they mean to take all them good things we got away from us--if we don't nuke 'em first and of course ,take away all that-there oil they got . "
Since, by international standards the Iraq war is illegal, any "assistance" that Iran would be giving the Iraqi insurgents would be quite legal as a means to resist an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
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