in blatant violation of the constitution , capitol hill police harrass congresswoman cynthia mckinney

congresswoman cynthia mckinney an outspoken critic of the iraq war and the tainted 9-11 investigations was physically interfered with by a capitol hill police officer who claims he did not recognize her ... is this more retaliation from the bush administration against one of its most dauntless critics --- ala the valerie plame outing , and the 6 year prison sentence recently given to african american intelligence analyst ken ford jr. ?
of course valerie plame had her covert operative's cover blown by the bush administration after her husband , ambassador joe wilson wrote a piece published in the ny times that punctured a hole in the bushite spin bubble about saddam seeking yellow cake uranium from niger... it is said that new cia director/bush appointee porter goss has conveniently classified documents that might reveal how many of plame's covert network were killed as a result of her cover blown by inner circle members of an administration whose 'leader' never ceases to remind us that he is a war time president --i'll say it again as i said it before as a caller on some NPR radio show and their legal expert, some professor talking-head shrugged me off on the national airwaves, it sounds to me like somebody in the bush inner circle committed treason ...
former nsa intel analyst ken ford jr. authored a report that ended up on dick cheney's desk stating that iraq probably had no wmd .
for going against the grain ,and not following the official policy of "fixing" the intel around the already made decision to go to war , ford was framed --two boxes of top secret documents were 'found' at his home --documents ford was supposed to have taken in broad daylight from a highly secure government spy installation ---yet no record of ford stealing these boxes can be found on surveillance cameras...go figger--if 19 screw-up rookies trailed and monitored all over europe and the Us by israeli mossad can give norad , faa , Us airforce , cia , dia , nsa, and fbi the slip and hijack 4 passenger airliners , then it stands to reason that 2 big boxes of secret documents can disappear in broad daylight from a highly secured Us intel location with no record of it on surveillance cameras ever found and end up in the kitchen of the very same guy whose report shot to hell bushite spin bubbles about iraqi wmd... (the following articles courtesy of former nsa analyst wayne madsen)
March 30, 2006 -- Last night, Georgia Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney was accosted by a Capitol Hill policeman after she entered the Longworth Building and bypassed the metal detector, which is customary for members of Congress. The police officer did not recognize McKinney who showed him her congressional ID. After he placed his hand on her shoulder in a hostile restraining move, an altercation ensued. The officer said he did not recognize McKinney, something that is required of all Capitol Hill police officers.
This editor has personally witnessed such an incident previously in which a Capitol Hill police officer did not recognize McKinney. I was in a car with McKinney and her assistant when a Capitol Hill police officer at Longworth demanded, and not in a nice way, McKinney's ID. It is doubtful that any white member of the House or Senate has been stopped in such a manner by cops in the "People's House." One memorable incident was when House Doorman Fishbait Miller of Mississippi demanded that the late New York Congresswoman Bella Abzug remove her trademark hat when she entered the House chamber. Although there was a verbal altercation between the two, there was no physical contact. But that was then and this Congress now consists of hundreds of "Fishbait Millers" who are elected members, staffers, and cops.
McKinney versus a Capitol Hill "Southern Sheriff"
Last month, McKinney's Georgia home was "toilet papered" with video tape after she participated in the Sundown Film Festival, where a documentary on the electoral fraud used against her in 2002 received an award. The Capitol Hill police are rife with officers hired by the Republican leadership and the recently-departed and nepotism scandal-tainted police chief Terrance Gainer, who got his start as a rookie cop in Chicago in 1968 clubbing anti-Vietnam War protestors at the Democratic National Convention. The Capitol Hill police, which works for the Republican-appointed Sergeant-at-Arms, a political patronage position, has taken on a distinct "southern sheriff's department" appearance in the last few years. On this past Martin Luther King's birthday, Sen. Hillary Clinton spoke of a "plantation" mentality in the House of Representatives, adding, "you all know what I'm talking about." Yes, Senator Clinton, with the McKinney incident, we all now know what you mean.---wayne madsen
March 30, 2006 -- LATE EDITION -- US Judge Peter Messitte today sentenced former NSA "Iraqi shop" signals intelligence analyst Ken Ford Jr., to six years in prison and no fine as a result of his politically-motivated conviction for allegedly removing two boxes of classified materials from NSA during broad daylight without detection. In fact, the documents were planted in Ford's home in retaliation for his SIGINT report casting doubt on the White House contention that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. That report, which contained Ford's name as preparer, eventually ended up on the desk of Vice President Dick Cheney. As a result, Ford became a target of the neo-con cell operating from within Cheney's office and the White House Iraq Group (WHIG), the same cabal that compromised Valerie Plame Wilson's covert identity and mission.
Ford was given six years on the first count of unauthorized removal of classified information and three years (to be served concurrently) for making a false statement on a government security clearance form for a classified job with Lockheed Martin filled out nine months after his arrest. In fact, Ford stated on the form that his arrest was wrongful but that was construed by Assistant US Attorney David Salem as a false statement.
-- years after Jim Crow, the virtual "lynching" of innocent African Americans blatantly continues in a concerted effort by agenda-laden judges and crooked prosecutors with out-and-out political motives.--wayne madsen
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