Sunday, October 15, 2006

"gone fission"'s been said before... rumsfeld sold north korea nuke technology

While ole rumsy was working on the board for the Swiss company ABB, they sold nuclear technology to North Korea.

we guess that embarassing old photos --like this now internet classic , only instead , of rumsy in north korea and iran , will next surface...

"At the time, intelligence reports indicated the Iraqis were using illegal chemical weapons against Iran 'almost daily.' During several trips to Iraq, Rumsfeld told government officials that the U.S. would consider an Iraqi loss to Iran a major strategic defeat. In a personal meeting with Saddam Hussein in December 1983, Rumsfeld told the Butcher of Baghdad that the U.S. wanted to restore full diplomatic relations with Iraq.

In 2002, Rumsfeld tried to put a gloss on this meeting by claiming that he warned Hussein against using banned weapons, but that claim was unsupported by the State Department's notes on the meeting.

As a result of the openings created by Rumsfeld's diplomatic triumphs, U.S. companies were recruited and encouraged, both covertly and overtly, to ship poisonous chemicals and biological agents to Iraq, by the administrations of both Reagan and George Bush Sr.. Care packages to Saddam included sample strains of anthrax and bubonic plague, and components which would be used to develop nerve poisons like sarin gas and ricin."

"The axis of evil" ? ...Seems more like THE AXIS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS--do "firemen sometimes light fires" so they will have something to do ?

Would a government and its military-industrial-complex arm a potential "boogeyman" so they could one day go to war against their own creation and as a result ,when the US airstrikes begin and the marines land , have a bunch of juicy government contracts to issue out among their old buddy-buddy , crony , military-industrial-complex / merchants of death network ?

do a google search for "the prescott bush--adolph hitler connection" , or better yet , simply go here ( and read the chapter titled "the hitler project" of the book "george bush--the unauthorized biography" by webster tarpley and anton chaitkin and see for yourself how the pattern of creating boogeymen and then going to war against the same boogeymen they created , seems to run in the bush family.

Now back to korean nukes . it's also been asserted that the bush administration deliberately torpedoed a clinton administration agreement with north korea to give up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for:
1. written assurances that the Us would not invade them.
2. direct negotiations with the Us.
3. economic and energy assistance including two lightwater , civilian purpose , nuclear energy reactors that would be technologically difficult to convert into weapons materials.

bush reneged on the clinton deal --then further antagonized the north koreans by naming them with iraq and iran in the "axis of evil" and telling reporters how loathesome he found the kim jung il regime.

so in the face of bush regime's saber rattling, middle east invasion , and reneged on deals , a pissed off kim jung il and north korea decided to go back to plan A... they "got" nuclear by obtaining what was said to have been assistance with their nuke warhead program from the international nuclear black market-- in particular , the israeli/a.q.khan/ pakistani network .

it's all been said before , now keith olbermann at msnbc weighs in...


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