Sunday, April 09, 2006

next time they physically manhandle her, cynthia should smack them with something heavier than a cell phone...

*capitol hill police are trained in the techniques of face recognition .it IS part of the job to be able to recognize by sight as many members of congress as possible . since there are only 11 black women in congress , you would think that these police morons would be able to remember congresswoman mckinney .

considering that this is not the first time she has been harrassed by the capitol hill police and considering the fact that ms mckinney is one of the most outspoken critics of the official lies of 9-11 and an outspoken critic of the criminal petro-war in iraq , could this incident where she was manhandled by police while on her way to a session of congress--a direct violation of the constitution --members of congress should not be interfered with by law enforcement while either on their way to , or on their way from a session of congress --a constitutional protection designed to keep a dictatorial type executive from having congresspeople arrested before , or after voting for or against a certain bill -- since mckinney is an open critic of the bushites and the bushites are openly ham-handed in their retribution against critics --even to the point of committing treason as in the valerie plame case --is this cowardly assault on congresswoman mckinney more retribution from an openly criminal administration ? i think you already know my answer to the question .

dead abrams east of baghdad

"collateral damage"


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